Dank Demoss Memes: The Lyft Driver Controversy

In January 2025, Detroit rapper Dank Demoss (real name Dajua Blanding) hailed a Lyft. When the driver arrived, he locked the doors and told her she wouldn’t fit in his car, suggesting she order a larger vehicle instead. He also expressed concern that his tires couldn’t handle her weight. Feeling discriminated against, Dank Demoss filed a lawsuit against Lyft, alleging emotional distress and humiliation. Lyft responded by condemning all forms of discrimination and reaffirming their commitment to equality and mutual respect. Here’s the social media backlash via memes.

In response to a lawsuit, Lyft has updated its fleet to cater to obese celebrities.

Lyft driver refused this woman a ride because his vehicle was too small for her oversized body. Now she is suing. This is what happens when the media normalizes obesity. She should have gone to the gym, not the lawyer’s office.

Ma’am you ordered a Lyft. Not a forklift.

Here's a photo of Lyft drivers trying to get Dank Demoss into their cars.

Just applied to be a Lyft driver! So excited!

Look at this Dank Demoss is in the back of an XL Suburban and she’s about to tear the door off that mf. How the hell was she gonna get in a freakin sedan lol. I don’t blame that dude.

BREAKING: Due to recent events Lyft has just announced a new luxury option.

Stupid people! If your going to use a ride share you can't expect everyone to have something large enough to carry you when you are a whale. How is that Lyft's fault? What was the driver supposed to do, butter her up and force her into his car? Get real Shamu.

The only vehicle on Earth that can carry Dank Demoss

BREAKING: Lyft is suing Dank Demoss for millions after she destroyed multiple car suspensions. The lawyers call it "a clear case of vehicular manslaughter."

She's become unLyftable!

fat woman sues lyft for ordering the wrong service

Should start calling herself Tank Demoss

Imagine you’re a Lyft driver arriving at the pickup location and you see these two coming toward you

The humane thing to do is for Uber and Lyft to stop driving morbidly obese passengers. Walking saves lives.

Video of Dank Demoss trying to get picked up by Lyft....

There was a time not too long ago that you wouldn’t sue Lyft if you were obese & didn’t fit in their car. Instead, you’d be embarrassed and go on a diet. I miss those days.

When the passenger weighs more than the Lyft car...

All this outrage acting as if people care for this clearly obese woman but no one wants to tell her what she needs to hear: lose weight or you’ll eat yourself into an early grave. I would refuse her service if I was a Lyft driver too.

Folks here’s a look at the Lyft Drivers Car picking up that 400lb Female Rapper. No wonder he said get out

A lady who is like 600lbs pitched a fit because her Lyft driver wouldn't let her ride in his car. He got fired. People in comment sections are insisting that drivers should be capable of hauling around a barnyard animal at a moment's notice if they want to be a Lyft driver.

rumor has it that Dank Demoss still can't even fit lmaooo

Dank Demoss said the Lyft encounter “really hurt my feelings”. Are we seriously to the point as a society that hurt feelings can be grounds for a lawsuit?

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17 thoughts on “Dank Demoss Memes: The Lyft Driver Controversy”

  1. I dunno how it stands in the US, but here in the UK any shop, pub, or uber can refuse to give service if they think it will be unsafe, or unprofitable. They can’t be forced to sell you anything or take you anywhere.
    If you order a Lyft and tried to take a piano onboard, he’d be right to refuse – it wouldn’t fit safely in the vehicle, and it would endanger the car as well.
    Since her size precludes the use of normal seatbelts, allowing her to use the car would put her at risk, and unsecured would put him at risk as well.
    I support the driver, not the money hungry idiot …

  2. She’s a celebrity that no one has heard of before. Except that the movie studios used the sound of her walking when they make a movie about a T-rex coming.

  3. Trump executive order no. 212… Bring back fat shaming.
    And I’m a effin leftie… and I’m fed up wit this PCness…

  4. Wow… Obese people are still people. No need to dehumanize them, over a silly lawsuit. What if it were your grandmother?

  5. ….is a grandmother. And she would give that morbidly obese young lady a grandmotherly, serious, and very frank talk about why she has eaten herself into this deadly condition. There is nothing but pain, suffering, amputations, heart failure and an early death in her future.

    There is a way out of it. Been there – done that. Lost 20% and she can do it, too.

  6. For her it’s not really an insult, it’s an opportunity. How many people know her name now?

  7. She should have ordered a larger vehicle, something she knew she’d fit in.
    But, wow. People are really mean.

  8. …but this is clearly fishing for popularity only. Who tf knows that woman? She has low 4-digit clicks on Spotify (ok, now a few more, I was curious, clickbait worked) and makes not even acceptable music 😝

  9. I am obese. I know I am obese. I fight my obesity every day. Not through injections or affirmations or blind ignorance. I fight it through education and the awareness that decades of stupidity and overindulgence got me to this point. I hit a critical decision gate a few years ago where my blood sugar was at the borderline for diabetes. My options were to either WAKE UP and treat my obesity like a functional adult, or continue on, go on injectables and ignore what I was doing to my body. I chose to wake up. It has been a year since I decided to change; lost about 30 pounds and two pants sizes. Nothing radical. No injections. No dance numbers. Nothing to preach about, just… education and awareness.

  10. That’ an achievement. But many obese people also suffer from health issues that are the cause of their obesity. That’s why fatshaming is wrong in general.

  11. All I know is she should drop the lawsuit , did anyone pay attention to the noise that was coming from his car ? He never said she was too big for his car but he did say his car was too small for her & yes he should be concerned about his car shocks/struts , springs & most of all who is to say she can fit the seatbelts ? Safety 1st , If you ever watched 600lbs life there have been emergency situations where people her size got stuck as a middle passenger in a mini van and had to be rescued and it was hard for the responders to get them out the vehicle , there also been episodes of them getting stuck in cab due to the size of their limbs such as legs & stomach . The Doctor on the show 600lbs Life Dr. Nowsarden said it was unsafe for people that size to travel in their conditions especially in vehicles not big enough or equipped to cater to their size, in some cases he hired medical transportation to transport them . I stand with the driver because if she hurt herself in his vehicle she would be suing him , all it takes is him to slide on some black ice or hit one of those speed bumps in Detroit in the middle of the winter or worst get in a car accident and the passenger can sue both parties , he did the right thing !

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