Dark Humor Memes That Almost Take It Too Far

Dark humor is like food… not everyone gets it. There’s just something about laughing at the things that make others uncomfortable that is very satisfying. Maybe it’s because we all secretly have a little bit of darkness inside all of us, or maybe it’s just because we’re all a bunch of weirdos. Some people might find this post inappropriate or offensive, but those people just need to lighten up. Or close this page right now. Everyone else – scroll down and enjoy.

Dark humor meme.

Dark humor meme.

Dark humor meme.

Dark humor meme.

Dark humor meme.

Dark humor meme.

Dark humor meme.

Dark humor meme.

Dark humor meme.

Dark humor meme.

Dark humor meme.

Dark humor meme.

Dark humor meme.

Dark humor meme.

Dark humor meme.

Dark humor meme.

Dark humor meme.

Dark humor meme.

Dark humor meme.

Dark humor meme.

Dark humor meme.

Dark humor meme.

Dark humor meme.

Dark humor meme.

13 thoughts on “Dark Humor Memes That Almost Take It Too Far”

  1. Nice rerun. You’d be smart to take out the idiotic one about anti-vaxxers; we were right. Big time.

  2. LOLZ! I saw these this morning and said, “I can’t believe some anti-vaxx nutjob hasn’t made a gripe yet.”

    Fast forward to lunchtime when I hit refresh and of course there it was. Maybe it’s just that microchip they snuck in me with my shot, but those anti-vaxx conspiracies have stood the test of time about as well as Fox’s coverage of Dominion.

    It’d be funny if it weren’t for the, you know, hundreds of thousands of dead people.

  3. Anon: that’s a lot of downvotes you got there. The ones who drank the kool-aid are sore as hell about being wrong.

  4. …Either that or the people who would have up-voted her anti-vax nonsense can’t do it because they’re dead.

  5. Laughing at anti-vaxers? My Dr. told me I’d be a fool to get it.
    And now Jamie Foxx was forced, & now has a blood clot in his brain.

  6. yeah but i know countless vaccinated people and many have had covid but only with minor side effects BECAUSE OF THE VACCINE AND ALL THE BOOSTERS WAS PROTECTING THEM FROM SERIOUS HARM


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