14 thoughts on “The Funniest DEI Memes: People Who Just Got Fired”

  1. … I was in charge of ruining Star Wars.

    It was never the same after they got rid of Dr. Spock and replaced Captain Kirk with that bald bloke.

  2. Did Dr. Spock work in the same medical office as Bones? Also, how many children were on the Star ship Enterprise for him to give advice to their parents?

  3. Looks like at least one person knows who Dr. Spock is. I think Mr. Spock would have a thing or two to say about Dr. Spock’s idea of permissive parenting. He would probably call it “illogical.”

  4. This is just hilarious. Let’s have a good laugh at people who have lost jobs. What sick entertainment.

  5. That’s the conservative high horse for you. Unless they lose theirs too. Then they are sobbing and blaming everyone else.

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