10 thoughts on “New Disney/Pixar Cartoons, Generated by AI”

  1. Turner off sound notifications. Funny stuff and useless houmor at 3:35 am is not for me… Some movies sounds great tho NGL. 😭

  2. Not gonna lie, I’d pay to see some of these. Or at least I’d watch them on Disney or whatever.

  3. I did the choreographer for when Pee Wee did that Tequila song. That should count for something, anyway. (people don’t like me)

  4. oooo I made a funny typo and now it is funnier. That is because the Muse of The Funny thinks I am funny. I mean, in a mocking sense, like she thinks I am a total loser, but I am not a total loser. She can go back to Mt. Olympus and hang out with those freaks, for all I care. and I do care, generally, but not right now.

  5. Why did humans invent AI again?
    To create more crazy stuff then they could do themself?

    I dont like AI! But the films inwould watch

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