The Funniest Protest Signs From Trump’s Visit To The UK

As you’ve probably noticed, we love reporting posting about Trump’s adventures on this site. Currently he’s visiting UK, so here are the funniest protest signs made by some brilliant UK citizens…

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Litter and dog waste.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

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1,033 thoughts on “The Funniest Protest Signs From Trump’s Visit To The UK”

  1. These signs made my day. The serial liar con man amoral corrupt narcissist demagogue is America’s largest political mistake. Worse than Nixon, and I was around beck then.

    Make sure he sees the protests! He is saying he has seen very little, but he is a serial liar…

  2. being a pro trump dutchie in florida,i love and appreciate the english humor,always done,always will….other then that,about the rest,we dont care since 1776 :-)

  3. American here. I love the our allies over the pond. Keep it up. More than half the country hates this orange embarrassment of a baby. He is one of the most vile, indecent, immoral human beings to stain the oval office. Our system allowed him to target electoral votes and overcome the majority of voters. The Republican party is giving him a pass despite the mounds of evidence from the Mueller report showing he is a criminal. Don’t judge most Americans on what this crazy sociopath is. The majority of our country wants him gone in 2020. Keep up the good fight and thank you all for the awesome signs!

  4. Love the signs, please ship them back with him, if you can’t keep him. We can always use a chuckle while watching Drumpf wreck our govt. 👍🤪


  6. You showed us that an Angry, Black Woman ain’t the only one with a fierce clapback! Thanks to all of you in the UK for your support!

  7. Okay, see how you fair with the communists then…..Feel free to call someone else when you need help stacking up the bodies after the Marxist utopia is established! 😛😂😂

  8. LOVE you UK!
    Some of the most creative protests ever!
    Thanks for putting up with the Orange Stench for a few days.
    Hope the Queen can fumigate on his exit!

  9. SO AWESOME. Way to go Brits! He is our POS POTUS and we cant wait for him to get the hell out of office! He’s an embarrassment and a disgrace to our country and the political world.

  10. Funny how the TRUMPLOVERS make their name anonymous. Serves them right. They should be embarrassed backing a bigot.

  11. Firstly, I absolutely love America and the majority of the American people. That said, to the fools saying something along the lines of “They would be speaking German had it not been for us Americans” or “next time some foreigner bombs you, call for someone else to help”, I think you need to remember it took America nearly 3 years to join the WW2 conflict and it was only when there was a danger to America that they joined the Allied Forces. You also need to remember what we were fighting for because with Trumptard at the helm, inciting hate and zero tolerance, things may well head that way again, just with a different target than that of WW2. That disgusting man, Trump,draws a lot of parallels with that other disgusting man, Hitler!
    I do have to say that our British sense of humour is spot on and I am proud of those protesting the presence of that fool in our country. To all those American’s asking if we can keep him, Hell NO!

  12. He said there were only s handful of protesters he didn’t really see any/ many it is all take news about the protesters :-) you could not make it up if you tried this guy is unreal yes he is fake he is fake news :-)

  13. Many, many thanks to all of you who took time to get out there and let tRump — and the world — know what you think of him. Back here, all we can do is apologize to the world. I can’t guarantee how long it will take, but we WILL get things fixed over here! From Mobile, Alabama, USA.

  14. I can’t wait to watch all you liberals start crying when he wins in 2020!!!! And say How did he do it again!!!! Because he is the only President that is fulfilling his promises!!!! #MAGA!!!!!!

  15. Aloha from Hawaii – you Brits are the BEST – mahalo for taking him…we don’t want him back! BEST signs ever!

  16. Please, please, please … prevent him from visiting his great-granddad’s home in Palatina, Germany – this is a lovely place and he might like it and stay. No, thank you! Keep him in the US for good and sack him as soon as you can. He’s quite a sorry figure in international politics. But — so are our politicians in Germany (sic!)

  17. I love the British humor. You have got Trump spot on. It’s obvious you don’t want him there but could we encourage you, somehow, to keep him?

  18. Oh yeah lets talk about the British! With their fake King & Queen who do nothing but are puppets. They make no decisions of consequence & have no power!!!!

  19. To all the idiots who think we saved the British, read some history that doesn’t come from Oliver (the Central American terrorist trainer) North and Faux News; it’s the Brits who saved our butts, not the other way round. The only thing we really did to end the war was sadistically bomb an already defeated and surrendering Japan: Twice. The ignorance and chauvinistic idiocy of Trump and his supporters is bottomless. They’d be speaking German if not for us? Big talk from anonymous cowards whose first language is probably Russian. Thank you Great Britain for your leading role in WWII, as well as your sacrifices and military assistance in our idiotic wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, participation most Americans don’t even seem to know existed. And Korea. And even Viet Nam, when Bits voluntarily joined American, Australian and New Zealand fighting forces (yes Trump humping clowns, the Australians and New Zealanders were there, too. And in Korea, and more.) Want to Make America Great Again? Leave it.

  20. Listen, UK, we have obviously blown it with this independence thing. Couldn’t you just take us back into the Commonwealth, make us a protectorate or something? We obviously need protecting — from the orange guy in the White House, and from Fox news, for starters. Please? Lots of tricky details to work out, but hey, anything would be better than this clown!!

  21. Hey Americanos With your TRUMP bashing all his present “Allies” there had better not be a WW 3 Trump has put the USA in an “ALL ALONE ” position – what a stupid thing to do When there is a crowded fighting arena – – it is a good thing to have “SOME ” of the crowd on your side I hope it doesn’t come to that aspect of life – — or else ” ALONE” will be pitiful to watch !!! Not that WE will simply ” Stand and watch – we’re still “cousins” so we’ll ensure you have a fair shake at winning !!

  22. Thanks for babysitting for a few days GB! We in the US need a very looooooong timeout. And years and years of therapy!

  23. Don’t suppose our BBC news Channel will be showing these boards – but my Facebook profile will. Thanks for the Hoot. So funny. Made my day! 😂😂😂

  24. Look out over the 57 American graveyards in Europe and tell me how many of those GIs were ‘cowards’.

  25. The UK paid the US to be part of WWII, with the last payment being made in 2006.
    Nice to see most posts are in good humour.

  26. Everyone needs to keep speaking openly against the likes of trump and post more signs. Good stuff.

  27. I fear the “Anonymous” who hates America as much as us Americans hate the Orange Turd—or IL DOUCHE as I call him—is “Anonymous” because he doesn’t have the BALLS to sign his name. BTW, there are other “Anonymouses” on this thread who are just fine—but the ******* to whom I refer knows who and what he is.

  28. BTW, I really LOVE these British anti-Turd signs. There is NOTHING funnier than the Brits’ sense of humor.

  29. Trump says he heard thousands of Brits cheering for him but he was the only person in jolly old England that heard a cheer.the biggest liar in the world,trump! lock him up!

  30. Amazing and wonderful signs and so many people there to express their feelings about the Trump misery. I particularly like the one about the Queen and the biscuits and the one about not soft and warm. Remember how Obama was received by other countries? Yes, I do remember.

  31. I love every last one of you who took the time to protest our unholy garbage pu**y-grabber in chief. To the guy with the “Down With This Sort of Thing” sign. Marry me! :D #fatherted

  32. I Love you all, thank you!!! Ihad a good laugh at the signs, now to impeach this vile and despicable organism.

  33. Thanks to our friends in England, who are standing by the American’ public is this “dark hour”. Hopefully, when the clock strikes 2020, this nightmare will be over and sanity will return.

    PS: What kind of biscuits are “the good ones”?

  34. How disgusting the British public are to tarnish the the highest man in the world to name calling most of the British public would rather have Donald Trump here than the stupid pratts like you lot to think you were showing your children how to behave in public you should crawl back under your stones

  35. Somebody alluded to 1776 !!! That was when we had a German King ( George III ) That was a l-o-n-g time ago. NOW the USA has a related German President It is now 2019.

    Comparing the present Monarch of England with the present Leader in the USA – Guess who came out ahead !!! Thank God he will go home – hopefullly -_—- very soon.

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