The Funniest Protest Signs From Trump’s Visit To The UK

As you’ve probably noticed, we love reporting posting about Trump’s adventures on this site. Currently he’s visiting UK, so here are the funniest protest signs made by some brilliant UK citizens…

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Litter and dog waste.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

If you enjoyed this gallery, you will probably also like Trump With an Extremely Long Tie, Trump Toilet Paper, and Frog-Chinned Trump.

1,033 thoughts on “The Funniest Protest Signs From Trump’s Visit To The UK”

  1. I wish more Americans hated this piece of shit as much as the Brits do. IMPEACH HIM AND HIS ENTIRE CRIME FAMILY AND LOCK THEM ALL UP!

  2. Trump needs to go to college and learn about British Social and Economic history if he thinks you can buy the NHS in a business deal. I hope the Queen’s cooks put toe nails in his dinner.

  3. Why is there always one piece of excreta who thinks the US saved the rest of the world and single handedly won World War II?

  4. Out of all of these comments, there is one Trump supporter. And that person is an illiterate fool who can’t form a complete sentence.
    I’m shocked! Shocked I tell ya!

  5. Donald Trump constantly makes fun of others but when people do it to him they are criticized….if DJT can’t take it….he shouldn’t dish it out!

  6. This is awesome! Thanks for the chuckles and giggles. Flying over next week from Cali…can’t wait to talk shop with the Brits and Irish.

  7. Thank you, dear British friends! We couldn’t have said it better ourselves. We love your wit and humour (and yes, I spelled it that way in honor of you!)

  8. As a Brit Living in USA, watching the Trumpet on tv it makes my skin crawl seeing him stand next to my beloved queen, I just wish she had served him Mc D`s like he did when he hosts to people who deserve so much more respect than he expects from people…..who does he think he is for fooks sake!!!! Someone get your fingers out your arses and impeach him NOW!!!!! please!!!!

  9. trump cozies up to the dictators in this world who maneuver him by nothing more than compliments and promises of personal wealth. In return, trump plays into their hand, eroding democracy, world peace, and our security. trump is a danger due to his greed and narcissism, and his followers have been brainwashed to believe his lies. I remain shocked at the beliefs of far too many of my fellow American citizens.

  10. He said (for the cameras) that he saw no protests. Really? See what we endure? Lies, every day.
    Thanks so much for your efforts and great, humorous signs. It lifts me a bit. I feel so sad that this is what has become of our fun, free society. Love you GB!

  11. Thank you for the comedic relief! Good to see our long-standing tradition of lambasting where completely warranted, is Alive and Well

  12. sorry for any disrespect to vets etc. BUT THAT WAS THEN AND THIS IS NOW. We will always be thankful for your part in WW II

  13. So glad to see such excellent British humo(u)r on display! Thanks to all of you over there. PS, to ….
    I am now skeptical about the photographs. I was about to post this on FB, but I’m paranoid about “fake” imagery and facts lying around in plain sight. Can you PROMISE me those signs have not been photoshopped into the photographs? Sorry, but … in the Age of Drumpf, nothing is sacrosanct!

  14. I have a very sweet, lovable corgi. I just couldn’t bear to feed her that orange blob. I would worry that she would be sick for days!

  15. I have nothing for admiration for the Americans who joined us in lifting the curse of Hitler from the brow of mankind. Trump wasn’t one of them; I have nothing for contempt for him and all his lackeys.

  16. Well what can I say. The Far Left. . How very pitiful. 😆🤣 They don’t even register how they appear to normal people do they? People who get up and go to work every day for minimum wage who just want to get on with life and be able to bring their children up in safety. The President of the USA is invited by our Queen to commemorate D-Day 🤷‍♀️ This is the level of respect these people have for a man democratically elected., for Our Queen, for the fallen, for the occasion and for their Countryman. Why don’t the protest The Labour Party and their racists? Or their terrorist associations? Or islamofascism in our own Country. Instead they invent ‘Nazis’ ‘Fascists’ . The Irony is incredible 🤣🤣. They call Trump a misogynist yet ignore FGM. Ignore segregation by sex in schools in Britain in the name of religion, claim rape squads and Grooming gangs are ‘Far Right’ conspiracies. Want to take ACTUAL terrorists back and open borders when our infrastructure is coming apart @ the seams because it can’t take any more.They close their eyes to actual real issues and spend their time creating bogeymen. . 🤷‍♀️ What can you say to people like that? . . .

  17. Something went awry when I submitted my comment, which certainly didn’t appear the way I intended it. So here goes again:
    I have nothing but admiration for the Americans who joined with us in lifting the curse of Hitler from the brow of humankind. Trump wasn’t one of them – I have nothing but contempt for him and his lackeys.

  18. Love the British sense of decency and humor, especially with these fine examples. Thanks for your support. Hopefully, this is, if not, the beginning of the end, at least the end of the beginning for us across the pond.

  19. “Democratically elected”… hmmm. I can see you didn’t follow these elections very closely. And I also understand why you would post your answer under ‘Anonymous.

  20. To Anonymous, who is wondering what to say to “people like that.” Nothing. So, stfu.

  21. Hypocritical – trump has no respect for his own country/service men ie in the case of John McCaine who by US standards is a War Hero. Why are we spending money to entertain such an evil person!!! trumps records speaks for itself ie he says John McCaine isn’t a hero because he got caught – this from a man who made up an excuse not to fight for his country – regardless what you think about war the dump is evil and leading us all down the road of evil….

  22. Wow, amazing twist to rewrite history by anonymous above. Blaming left wing folks for being fascist not right wing. It’s a brainwash anonymous, it happened in the 1930’s too. So far Trump and his ilk blame migrants & immigrants but take no responsibility for the Iraq invasion, so racism then plus they’re repealing women’s rights to their own bodies and are repealing LGBTQ rights. Meanwhile in the UK hard working folk are on zero hours contracts and seeing people use food banks whilst hearing the governing party bleat that we’re the 5th richest nation while they line their pockets. Trump, Farage, Johnson all making millions out of us, brexshit is a money spinner for them.

  23. ahhhh..more of the wall is to be built, now the federal court has weighed it. I have never understood the whole “baby trump” thing. It is obvious the guy is trying to get things done but gets blocked at every turn. You see who the baby is when Nancy won’t even negotiate and most Dems are running to the house on “Orange man bad”. Hell, the only bill that dems have laid out that make any sence would be AOC’s lobiest bill. Bloody sad when aoc seems to be the wisest among the party

  24. So proud of the British people for getting out in the streets and protesting this idiot that we have here in the states as a president. He is an idiot as far as I am concerned. I love the trump on the toilet and of course the orange baby blimp. Thanks for sharing them.

  25. To our British friends. Thanks for showing us “yanks” how to appropriately dress down Trump. You all are awesome. Your friend in North Dakota.

  26. Someone who lied to avoid serving when his turn came does not deserve respect, so showing up to be at D-Day commemorations is an insult to those who have served and died. As an American, I can tell you that our veterans who served by and large loathe him. So there he will be, in Normandy, grandstanding for the world, while he didn’t have the guts or consideration to show up on Memorial Day to lay the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington. Even worse, he was busy trying to make deals in Japan, which may be an ally now, but back when — well, that’s another sticking his whatever in the eyes of veterans. So, please, this is not a person who deserves respect, head of state or no.

  27. Orange man was not democratically elected. trump is the worst thing to ever happen to this country. It will take years to clean up his fu**ery along with the misdeeds of his criminal cabinet and crime syndicate.

  28. “Really don’t care what some foreigner thinks about my president…”
    That’s OK. There are millions of us.

  29. Thank you, residents of the UK, for doing this. He is an embarrassment to this country and a menace, not only to us here in America, but to the whole world. To his refusal to believe in science to his disastrous environmental decisions to his extreme instability and highly questionable mental health, this guy is a danger to every single person on this planet.

    Please put pressure on your government to have MI6 pay very close attention to what is going on with our elections. The Republicans WILL try to cheat again and our Imbecile in Chief thinks Putin is his bro, not a highly skilled former KGB operative who knows exactly how to leverage Trump’s greatest weakness – his ego -to lure him in and cause great damage to our country and to democracy as a whole. PLEASE! Don’t let them get away with it! We can’t trust our own government right now to do the right thing…our entire Federal Government has been corrupted by these guys! So please…we need as much help as you guys can give us. Don’t let them destroy our country.

  30. Thanks for taking it to him. He wasn’t really democratically elected, his opponent Hillary got more votes. This is the second time we got a total wipe for a president because the Republicans scam the electoral college voting system – which is a joke.

  31. To Anonymous, who thinks the Far Left don’t even register how they appear to “normal people”. Since when is a Russian troll a spokesman for “normal people”? Go back to your dark hole and have a long, slow drink of cyanide.

  32. So grateful to the British citizens for protesting this man. Even still I cannot apply the title of US President to this horror. I am scared, worried, so extremely embarrassed. I want you to know that we are trying, the liberals in the US, and that I am trying to do everything I can to keep him contained until we can vote him out. Our country needs a political revolution, the two party system needs to be turned on its head. Not every US citizen believes in US exceptionalism, not every patriot believes that the right wing owns patriotism or God. Thanks for showing us that we aren’t alone.

  33. Thank you for doing our country’s work. We don’t seem to have enough strong people here in the United States. Our House of Rep should have started impeachment hearings by now and this man should have been thrown out during his first 6 months in office. He is despicable!!! Thanks again for helping. None of this can hurt. Signs are wonderful!!!

  34. People of Great Britain, I love you for this demonstration of how most Americans feel. We would vote him out in a heartbeat, but he and his criminal co-conspirators are packing the courts with criminal co-conspirators, gerrymandering voting districts….but we will see the fat ass of him anyway. Don’t ever change!!

  35. to the anonymous below and the left is wrecking everything comments- you’re a sycophantic coward – trump espouses all the worst of the far right and emboldens bullies and fascist – fyi the US is not a democracy, it’s a republic, oligarchy, theocracy trump needs to go – as do you

  36. John Simba Evans. Trump was born in 1946, almost a year after WWII ended. I’m not sure he could have helped much since he wasn’t even born. It seems like the Brits who are protesting are hard up for some Soros cash. The numbers promised didn’t happen. Throwing milkshakes at people who support trump is pretty lame.

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