The Funniest Protest Signs From Trump’s Visit To The UK

As you’ve probably noticed, we love reporting posting about Trump’s adventures on this site. Currently he’s visiting UK, so here are the funniest protest signs made by some brilliant UK citizens…

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Litter and dog waste.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

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1,033 thoughts on “The Funniest Protest Signs From Trump’s Visit To The UK”

  1. sorry England… this is America… we dont let the inbred DNA equivalent of Haggis rule us….

  2. I, too, applaud the Brits who are giving our disgrace of a president his due protest, with humor and proper insulting exhibition! It’s much appreciated by the majority of us U.S. citizens who did not vote for him! No president of this country has ever been as detested, and rightly so, by his own and people the world over, than this disgusting excuse for a human, let alone president! We’re with you in giving this unfair person his fair treatment! THANK YOU!

  3. OMG YOU BRITS ARE TOTAL WANKERS YOU KNOW NOTHING ONLY WHAT THE LYING PRESS HAVE TOLD YOU. . And John Macain a total traitor look him up all the men he killed on that ship 🚢 don’t believe me LOOK IT UP BEFORE YOU RUN YOU MOUTH

  4. Thank you, quite brilliant and sooo funny. Trump has provided so much comic relief for so many…unless you live in his country. What a moron, I literally change channels when he comes on, can’t even stand the sound of his voice. I am allergic to him I swear.

  5. I have heard over and over by Trump supporters that he was elected by the majority of voters. No, not by the numbers. But by the electoral college who also got it wrong with the younger Bush

  6. ‘Well what can I say. The Far Left. . How very pitiful. 😆🤣 ‘

    Nope. True a fair number from the left and far left but also across the politician spectrum. It’s not a far left thing

    ‘The President of the USA is invited by our Queen’

    Nope. He wasn’t. Get to grips with how it works.

    ‘Trump a misogynist yet ignore FGM’

    Oh jeez. Really

    I just can’t go on. Terrible arguments RU

  7. These are very funny & true… but why do lots of the photos look PHOTOSHOPPED??? some badly.

  8. Well done everyone! Proving we are in this together or not at all. Thank you, my hat is off to Britain.

  9. I can’t say enough good things about the British, it was great to see so many of you turnout to give Trump the Royal Finger. Having said this, I do however have one complaint. You gave Trump an 84 Gun Cannon Salute, but not one round hit their mark. Whatzamatta with you people, can you not see such a large target. He even wears a red tie, which should have made it impossible to miss him.

  10. Hope Trump saw some of these signs. Oh wait, he doesn’t like to read. Maybe his kids read them to dad. Oh wait, they probably don’t read either. Thanks for the laughs Brits!

  11. Thank you Britain for seeing this man for what he is; a permanent stain in our history books! As an American I’m ashamed of everything he says, does and represents. This too shall pass but not quickly enough for me.

  12. Cheers UK! Thanks for the help. Maybe this time we’ll do our part 2020.

  13. Scooter Belle, ‘The weak dont want competition’… just came for the guy who wants censorship. Interesting point!
    Oh & thanks UK for your intelligence!

  14. Thanks to all of the UK for your message to the orange baby–he’s should never have happened to the world. We are SO profoundly disgusted by him & his cronies…we’ll do whatever it takes to get him OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE!

  15. These are hilarious! Thanks to the U.K. for having our back.


    From a moderate independent in Texan

  16. I’m an Aussie and you impressed Me with you pointed witisms. Shakespeare would be proud!

  17. So sorry you had to put up with the 🍊💩🤡 and his entourage they are trumptrailertrash……we’re beyond hate in the U.S. but so glad you protested this Neanderthal!

  18. So this is the respect that these young fools have for the leader of the country that saved England’s ass.
    Grow up …this is what happens when your only news source is CNN.
    You’ve just been paid a visit by a the man who may just be the best president of the modern era.

  19. Being from the US, I say to you THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Most of us here hate him too. (I don’t use that word lightly)!

  20. Now, if ONLY the majority would bother to vote! All Americans bear the blame. 48 percent is a low turnout.
    I note that Trumpies are anonymous
    Yanks believe that bearing arms is a god given right,so why fuss at all the mass shootings? Shooters are just exercising their rights. Like the heroes with high powered guns who stand…always fat..with their foot on a dead lion..giraffe..elephants. Best country in the world….NOT!

  21. Thank you London, we Love you! I was in London last October and I absolutely adore your beautiful city….

  22. USA President Franklin D. Roosevelt made eloquent use of the English language. Sir Winston Churchill mobilized the English language and took it to war. D. Trump manages a limited vocabulary in terse Twitter garbage.

  23. A lot of left leaning loonies expressing their ignorance here and totally unconscious of what’s really happening in the world. They need to study their history better and stop following the mob of wankers. Bring on Brexit ASAP.

  24. Why do britain’s freaks, weirdos, perverts and deviants care about US President Donald Trump?

  25. Only the British can come up with such fantastic comments!!!! Wish I was there and you have all my support!!!!

  26. Thank God for term limits! Thank you all for standing up for us!! Bernie 2020!!!!! ☮

  27. As a former Londoner, living in NYC for 45 years, I agree with your distaste for Trump but remember that the distaste should also extend to those politicians who back him all the way, no matter what. But most Americans are good folks, despite this era which we hope will soon change.

  28. Liberal losers. President Trump will be back for a second term to further torture your peanut-sized brains. Hahaha!

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