The Funniest Protest Signs From Trump’s Visit To The UK

As you’ve probably noticed, we love reporting posting about Trump’s adventures on this site. Currently he’s visiting UK, so here are the funniest protest signs made by some brilliant UK citizens…

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Litter and dog waste.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

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1,033 thoughts on “The Funniest Protest Signs From Trump’s Visit To The UK”

  1. looks like all the left wing tree hugging loonies that spat on Margaret Thatchers funeral & grave are out against Big Don ! These same people would shout from the tree tops for help from Trump if the Russians dropped a load of poison on London

  2. Awww. Poor anonymous from June 5th. They wouldn’t shout for help from Maralardass. It would be the USA helping them. Not Putin’s bitch.

  3. Rent a mob on the loose with all the same old brain washed hate and bile ,amazing what mess a few hundred wasters can create with some cardboard and crayons at least it did not bother any one of importance from getting on with work and paying tax to provide you all with your free money benefits and support which I am sure most there happily collect .

  4. Dear Anon June 5 “Rent a mob…”: First, as an American, I want to thank for for ridding our nation, if only (sadly) briefly of the Vermin in Chief. Second: If you lived here and were a member of a repressed group, you would understand. Thank you, you may go back to work.

  5. You gotta love the Brits for this. Hope you treat all ***** like this- Modi, MBS, Putin and many others

  6. Very funny and true, but (sadly) we elected him and will probably reelect him (shame on us).

  7. I am impressed with the way you flew him overhead. Did he ever fart out the hot air?

  8. these are fantastic…May we never have to see him again after 2020’s election… btw would you like him in Great Britain?
    Will raise funds to expedite his departure here!

  9. Love to Britain! To all the anonymous people criticizing the protesters: are you embarrassed to sign your name to your love for Trump? Hmmm.

  10. Some of my best friends are British . . . and I am glad they are. Thank you dear Special Friends for siding for those of us who are currently ashamed of our current administration. How I yearn for the dignified and intelligent family that lived in the White House before it was corrupted. Bear with us, there may be hope in 2020.

  11. Dear U.K.,

    Our sincerest apologies for foisting upon your lovely country, this orange turd. Whenever he goes abroad, we cringe in utter dread because Trump is the quintessential Ugly American.

    Believe me – we’re as appalled as YOU are, and even more so because the level of ignorance in the U.S. is extremely high at the moment.

    I daresay, that British schoolchildren are better informed than adults in America.

    Again, our apologies for this debacle we call our Commander-in-Chief, and hopefully he will come home soon.

    And DIE.


  12. Well I’m British and I support this message

    Trump – you are a waste of space and bring out the worst in people – now go home because we don’t want you or like you.

  13. Let’s not forget he failed to win a majority of the popular vote in the 2016 Presidential elections.

  14. Dear Anon “ a bunch of idiots”,
    I know you must be referring to Trump, his family and the Cabinet.

  15. Please, feel free to keep him. Consider it an apology gift from that whole Revolutionary War thing.

  16. To all those who criticise the protesters, are you Russian, racist or just just to thick to understand that those who attended did it to show we don’t want him in the UK. Just like we don’t want Trump talking about privatising our NHS. He’s a bully and a bigly baby

  17. Delightful comments about the Dreadful Man we Americans are forced to call out President. Thank you!

  18. Whilst we honour the office of President of the United States it is him that has debased that great office. He is like a petulant spoilt pratish child. His ego and macho posturing know no bounds. Get the message Mr President we dont want you here and our NHS is not up for grabs.

  19. Thank you Sisters and brothers for support! Not all of us voted to Trump! #Bernie2020 ~

  20. These coming from the missing teeth, fowl breath, obese, lives in mommy’s basement, really need to be introduced to showers, mommy dressed them, bad hair, just a pure crowd of natural ugliness.. 🤣😘

  21. I can’t decide which sign I like the most. But thank you people of the great city of London. It was like a breath of fresh air to have that idiot away for a few days. He has polluted our country.

  22. Thank you Britain for your signs of support for America and her people!!! WE LOVE YOU ALSO!!!!

  23. Anyone commenting here in support of Donald is obviously as debased, clueless, ignorant, bigoted, rude, misogynistic & internally ugly as he is. Thank goodness the MAJORITY of Americans (the ones who DIDN’T vote for him) see what a total loser he & ALL the Trumps are! His reign of pompous idiocy will soon be over and we will begin to heal & move towards repairing the horrendous damages he has caused.

    Thank you, Britain for your support & our sincere apologies for your having to put up w him even briefly. (To bad he can’t “accidentally” get routed to Siberia on his return. HINT HINT)

  24. Thought you might enjoy this….last time Trump was in the UK, he was advised that he should stand slightly behind the Queen out of respect…so he stood in front of her. This time round, he was gently reminded of protocol. So when the US national anthem was played, he stood in front of her. The Queen was apparently overheard saying, ‘No, that’s fine….let him have his moment.’

  25. ‘LOVE TRUMP’ – I rather think you mean ‘foul’ breath rather than ‘fowl’. Or did you mean to say ‘bird’ breath? We do not have basements here. We do have cellars. Mummy, not Mommy.

    Apart from that you really have not accurately described the British protestors. A mix of socio economic, ethnic and education backgrounds. We are a richly diverse race – we have very little in breeding over here. Thank you.

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