The Funniest Protest Signs From Trump’s Visit To The UK

As you’ve probably noticed, we love reporting posting about Trump’s adventures on this site. Currently he’s visiting UK, so here are the funniest protest signs made by some brilliant UK citizens…

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Litter and dog waste.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

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1,033 thoughts on “The Funniest Protest Signs From Trump’s Visit To The UK”

  1. Thank you Brits for your creative signs and coming out on the streets.
    Here in most parts of America people are dumbfounded, embarrassed and pissed off. In public places, that subject (Trump) is silenced so we can have a normal day.

  2. I LOVE the signs but am almost certain that if WE held those here – our lives would not be the same due to the bullies and supremacists that have come to steal the office of the Presidency.

  3. Thank you Great Britain for the wonderful outpouring of protests against Trump – and thank you especially to all the smart, witty, delightful signs. It did feel like we got a huge sign of support from our British counterparts.

  4. Thank you for your support! We hate him too, at least the ones who didn’t drink the kool aid.

  5. And they say the Brits have a unique sense of humor

    These were all hysterical

    We don’t like him either

  6. Great signs! You can always trust the Brits to come up with something offbeat but true. Thanks so much for sharing the feelings of many, many Americans – it helps a bit to bear it.

  7. I’m so embarrassed by this president. I wince every time he leaves the country. He’s like your loudmouth, clue-free drunk uncle at the family reunion.

  8. Brilliant signs! I’m sorry he soiled your turf…wish he wouldn’t come home! To the asshats on this thread supporting him, stay in your lane! You don’t belong here either.

  9. Well done England, expected nothing less than your best and he got this in Spades. Long live the Queen, ps Nice touch with your choice of tiara well played.

  10. Love your humor! Please do us a favor and keep him. The Tower of London will do just fine.

  11. Do’t forget that protsters travelled from Wales and Scotland too, undertaking long, expensive journeys and losing income – that’s how sincere people felt about letting the man know (as opposed to the office f President).

  12. Best economy in years and finally America not walked all over. God bless Trump. God bless America. London looks like Bagdhad. Keep up the good work England.

  13. Thanks for the thoughtful protests. I wish Trump had stayed longer in the UK, met with Mary Poppins, and learned some manners…

  14. I love the UK and had a great time there last October! Love you more that you realize this president is uncouth and a blank brain! Love you more than that because know he dies not represent the majority of us! He’s for himself!

  15. Thank you for your humor! It helps. Sadly, we have to continue to deal with a very reckless and dangerous man who does not know anything about leadership.

  16. I love you even MORE because you know he does not represent the majority of us! He’s out for himself! Please, don’t let Jerad and Ivanka weasel themselves into Brit Business!

  17. Dear England,

    We share the same sentiments about that idiot of a baby man. America better not screw it up again in 2020!!

  18. America, why do you hate yourselves so much and elect the manchild who lies like a two-year old with ice cream on his face (no mummy, I didn’t touch the ice cream).

  19. Love the signs! Not all of us voted for him; the majority did not… you can keep him if you want!

  20. Gil Woolley. Let him take political refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy for two years. Then send him to Sweden for trial. Deepest apologies to Sweden and Ecuador for this suggestion .

  21. Let’s praise a country who’s biggest city has more Arabic writing than English. 🤦‍♂️

  22. thank you, Brits, for your wonderful sense of humor!! LOVE the protest signs and commentary!

  23. Nice glad to see all the opinions of a bunch of people who’s opinions mean less then nothing to American politics. But, really a lot of thought put in there.

  24. Amazing how Brits get their knickers in a knot over an American President.

    There mustn’t be any real problems in England.

  25. Love all of these! You expressed how most of Americans feel about him. Too bad you can’t vote in an American election!

  26. Another lie to add to all the other ones he has uttered. He said that there were no demonstrations against him in London.

  27. As a Canadian looking on in disbelief at what tRump has done to the US, this is just more proof how intelligent people can not stand him for his vileness!

  28. Thank you! I love your protest signs. For the next Women’s March in the USA mine will read, “Hey Trump! I am not fake news. I REALLY don’t like you!”

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