The Funniest Protest Signs From Trump’s Visit To The UK

As you’ve probably noticed, we love reporting posting about Trump’s adventures on this site. Currently he’s visiting UK, so here are the funniest protest signs made by some brilliant UK citizens…

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Litter and dog waste.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

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1,033 thoughts on “The Funniest Protest Signs From Trump’s Visit To The UK”

  1. He is our President. I’m sure you wouldn’t appreciate this being said about your beautiful Queen. Very disappointed.

  2. Thank you, Brits!!! Your wicked humor and open contempt for America’s Führer reminds me why we’ve been such great friends and allies for generations. I promise, we’ll fix the problem in November 2020. Until then, keep rippin’. REAL Americans dig it.

  3. The signs give me hope that all the world is not crazy! The man is so awfully awful….

  4. UMMMMM MOST AMERICANS DID VOTE FOR TRUMP!! The Brits have absolutely no right to mock our POTUS…It’s a SHIT SHOW there!! They truly show their IGNORANCE!! DEMWANNABEEES!! LOLOLOL

  5. Hey JBDean…Kiss my TRUMP LOVIN’ A$$!!! I just LOVE the way you describe yourself & the LOSER party you’re affiliated with!!! So BRAVE behind your keyboard…COWARD!!!

  6. Most Americans did NOT vote for Trump! But with the Electoral College, it is not one person, one vote.

  7. I had to laugh. He’s a pathetic joke, he’s got little support amongst anyone besides religious freaks, uterus obsessed old hags and boring rich men pale, and stale. Waiting for when he’s a footnote in a history book. Thanks for your humor. Cheers!

  8. Next time we send him over there —- let’s do it for entertainment!!!!!!! He brings the crowds in!

  9. Thanks for your support, Most of us (Trump lost the popular vote but won more votes from the electoral college – which I won’t go into now how that could be fixed – and thus won the presidential election. We are now all subjected to the whims of an egomaniac. I have no idea why the media has not figured out that they should only cover the sensible things he does. That might encourage him to act normal given he loves to be the center of attention.

  10. Pretty big crowds considering he said all these people were FAKE NEWS just like his reports of all the record crowds at his inauguration

  11. Thank you Brits for speaking out and making me laugh with your great signs! I am horrified that many of my fellow Americans support this monster.

  12. Trump is Trump – there are many like him, fortunately not many in powerful positions – had he not been left a lot of money by his daddy, he might just be a used car salesman – and maybe a better person. But let’s not forget that he’s half British, his mother being from Scotland …… many of us here in the UK wonder how the hell he managed to get voted in as POTUS, but you only have to see some of the comments on this page, such as the one that implies that UK’s biggest city “has more Arabic writing than English” (???) to realise the level of ignorance in the US that helped Trump to become president – and that old favourite, “If it wasn’t for the US, Brits would now be speaking German” – well, check your own history, if it wasn’t for people with good old British ancestry, such as Adams, Franklin, Hamilton, Jay, Jefferson, Madison, Washington, Lincoln etc, what language would the US be speaking now ? German ? – Dutch ? – French ?. Would there even be a USA ? – let’s just treat Trump as a source of world entertainment, and hope that there are enough unseen checks & balances in place to stop him from doing something stupid ……. America’s prestige in most of the world was greatly enhanced when Obama became President, it’s taken a massive nose-dive now ……

  13. Thanks so much , your signs made my day! I especially love, “Impeach him by the pu**y”. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

  14. Photographic journey captures are extremly one side presentation, a totally negative outlook on one of the greatest modern-day American presidents. Shame to the reporter.

  15. For god sake leave trump alone and grow up.if our queen can give him a state visit let it be. Stop making yourselves idiots.

  16. Dear Gray,
    As soon as Trump grows up and stops being an idiot, we will consider your suggestion. Until then, please sod off.

  17. Why oh why do a small ineffectual, ignorant, dragged up excuses for British society have to show us up in this manner? He is an easy target is he not? They know that as the democratically elected President of the United States of America ….he cannot retaliate. So, he is easy to pick on. Thank goodness my education and upbringing by decent well-mannered individuals PRECLUDES me from behaving in this shocking and disgusting manner!!!! Nobody is perfect, and he certainly is not, but it is obvious that he loves his country and is doing the best for the economy and the safety of the citizens. We could do with a few like him in Britain ………drain the swamp that has become London and allow the decent, patient people of Britain to honour our greatest ally, without whose help, this country would have been under the jackboot of the invaders. Looks like it will be happening again, with the help of the few morons who took to the streets yesterday. They insulted our beloved Queen and all the veterans because they were following orders from wicked folks who wish to do us harm! Imagine living in a country without the freedom of speech. You would all be dead by this morning!!!!! Think about it!

  18. I live in Melbourne. It dismays me that Trump got elected with less than half the vote. Yes, he is above average intelligence, but so are lots of others who are more competent and reasonable and far-sighted and better informed and much nicer on top of it. Look at the PM of New Zealand. It’s easy to make a lot of money if you start off by inheriting squillions. i liked the picture on the dog poop bin in Glasgow.

  19. For al of you that hate TRUMP, just remember we are over 65 million deplorable strong and will continue to support TRUMP on 2020 election. So do yourself a favor ,, He is duly elected and will be again on 2020. Keep suffering for 6 more years,, or just ride with us in TRIMP TRAIN full speed on the run..

  20. To the Trump supporter: forget the man – look at the policies his people enact behind the scenes while he is taking the attention.
    In reality he has done NOTHING for the working people of America. It’s all just words on TV. He has INCREASED your taxes not decreased them. He said ‘drain the swamp’ yet he is now surrounded by the same GOLDMAN SACHS advisors. The only taxes he actually reduced were for the SUPER RICH. Those are his real people – not you. Look at the facts.
    Foreign policy wise – he warned Obama would start a war with Iran just to win an election. Now what is Trump doing? He has even resurrected JOHN BOLTON – a war mongering relic from the administration responsible for the lies over Iraq. He is trying to take the US into another unnecessary war with Iran. The exact opposite of what he said before.
    If he was doing good for the majority of Americans – the working class and the middle class of America then he would be worthy of your support. But he says one thing and does another. He only lines the pockets of the already rich and powerful and he does it by making you pay. Anyone can grandstand on issues like build a wall, blame the Mexicans, it’s all words. But what has he actually done to help you in your actual day to day life? Give me one real actual policy he has enacted that has benefitted ordinary Americans.

  21. Whoever wrote the >>He is an easy target is he not?<< comment: nope he's just a VALID target. You didn't see anyone protesting when Obama came over here, on the account of the fact that Obama wasn't a criminal, racist, moronic sexual predator with the morals of a toilet seat. Evil prospers when god men do nothing, and good men hit the streets when they see evil coming. WELL DONE protesters, it needed saying and saying loud.

  22. Gray. The Queen and other first level Royals follow Foreign Office ‘requests’ to ‘perform’ and undertake hosting state visits. She does not actually ask other country’s leaders to visit despite the invitation being in her name. With all of her experience, polite manners and stamina she could make a pile of shit feel relaxed and welcome. In fact she just has!

  23. Anonymous. Are you actually trying to say that the minority of eligible voters in the US will vote him in again in 2020? Trump makes ‘W’ look intelligent, human and ‘W’ proved that he has a sense of humour by giving speeches where he mocked himself. Surely the voters will not be taken for numbskulls again! Still at least Putin will be a bit happier!

  24. Thank you to any Brit that got out there to protest this idiot. He is a disgrace. I am so sad he is the President of our country. It now seems the majority of Americans profoundly dislike him. And that includes the fools that voted for him in the first place.

  25. A big THANK YOU to the Brits for making me laugh. We have to put up with POTUS on a daily basis.

  26. I love how almost none of the “good” comments “supporting trump” are written by people who don’t even have the balls to use their name, only to in as “Anonymous.” Says something right there.
    UK I love you all, and some of these signs are so bitingly funny.

  27. So sorry England, that you had to endure him, and his idiot family. Disgraceful, and that’s being kind.

  28. These signs are wonderful! As an American I can say with surety that Trump profoundly disgusts me and makes me fear for our country. Even more than that I, and many I know, are fearful of how much more damage he can do if reelected as he will worry about displeasing people even less when he doesn’t have to worry about reelection.

  29. Love the Brit sense of humour! So very witty, great comments . Think Trump would love to have that Real ROYAL feeling thinking he is already KING !

  30. Good job, our fair friends from Britain. We love you! Next time don’t let the bloody wanker into your country.

  31. Thank you for all your support – and I find it so telling that all the pro Trumpers are posting as Anonymous!!! Typical – cowardice is a Trumpian trait!!!!!

  32. Thanks for your support. My hope is that when Trump can not hide behind president legal immunity he will get thrown in jail so fast his orange hair will blow off.

  33. Love him or hate him, for all of his faults he was still the only candidate who wanted to uphold the constitution of the United States instead of mangling it. Don’t make the mistake of thinking Americans voted for him because they thought he was a wonderful person – they voted for him because they thought he would do a better job of turning the economy around and securing the borders than the other candidates.

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