The Funniest Protest Signs From Trump’s Visit To The UK

As you’ve probably noticed, we love reporting posting about Trump’s adventures on this site. Currently he’s visiting UK, so here are the funniest protest signs made by some brilliant UK citizens…

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Litter and dog waste.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

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1,033 thoughts on “The Funniest Protest Signs From Trump’s Visit To The UK”

  1. Maybe when you’re in a glass house……Brexit? The whole democracy thing seems to have confused Y’all

  2. I find all the protesters and signs disgusting! The fake news travels a long way! Trump is the best we’ve ever had and has accomplished more than any other has! All the corruption and lies that have gone on for so long is about to be revealed very soon! I can’t wait till all these corrupt people are held accountable for what they have done! All I can say is that it’s gonna be good!

  3. Some very creative signs, I love it! At the end of the day it isn’t about the right or the left. It’s about the orange one being a conceited liar. #trumptard

  4. hmmm a comment above by “Anonymous” says: I find all the protesters and signs disgusting! The fake news travels a long way! Trump is the best we’ve ever had and has accomplished more than any other has! All the corruption and lies that have gone on for so long is about to be revealed very soon! I can’t wait till all these corrupt people are held accountable for what they have done! All I can say is that it’s gonna be good! – I would have said this was written by Trump himself, but the words are too big for him! All I can say is Dear F***wit, please wake up to reality, how can it be “fake news” when it actually happened? Your President is a moron and the rest of the World are laughing at you for voting for such a self serving, ugly minded person (I would use the word “man” but I wouldn’t want to insult other men). The fact that you consider the protests here to be “fake news” and “disgusting” just show that you are a bit of a muppet yourself. Lots of Love from everyone with an IQ above 50 and the Great British Public. Hugs….

  5. Anonymous – who finds all these protesters and signs disgusting – Oh boy – you want to tell us exactly what Trump has achieved in his quest to make America great again? Can you get past 3 ?

  6. I loved the signs, very creative, and needed to be said. If we could only channel that cheekiness back the old US, maybe we could give him a sharp stick in the eye.

  7. If you EVER doubted that trump supporters are morons,just check the comments.
    Ps to the redneck who said y’all,you spell like a redneck

  8. Its very hilarious signs and very creative. But a protest against a foreign head that might be your only trade partner in the near future when your BREXIT finally gets resolved.

  9. Way to go! Great signs! I hope he saw them, but he would say you’re all fans of his! Wish you could keep him there and LOCK HIM UP!

  10. To anonymous who thinks Trump has cleaned up the US. I hope you do not have elderly parents, a disabled child, know someone with cancer, or work hard for a pay check. If none of those apply, I am sure he is wonderful.

  11. Have I told you Brits I love you? These signs are hilarious…and utterly to the point. Thank you for a smile over my morning tea (made the correct way).

  12. Brilliant stuff! But of course he says the Brits love him. He is truly a sick, troubled man who needs psychiatric help.

  13. This monster’s reception in Britain makes me begin to regret what happened in 1776. I hope the Queen in her private tea with him gave him a few pointers on how the monarchy behaves these days in a democracy. Herr Trump sure could use some advice about that!

  14. He’s insulted so many. He continues to insult John McCain, one of the bravest in our history. I am a Vietnam vet. He has no character. No depth. No morality. No ethics. He’s a disgrace to our military, our institutions of higher learning, our country as a whole, every soldier, sailor, marine and airman from time immemorial. He needs to go. He is a criminal. He needs to go. We need to vote him out of office. Impeachment will not work because of Mitch McConnell who is also of low character. The pendulum must swing to normalcy. When it does, the country will heal from this very unfortunate era. He did not win the popular vote. Only because of our archaic electoral college did he win. He will lose by a landslide in the next election and will have to be dragged by the Capital Police out of the White House. That will be his day of reckoning. And then he will be indicted. Off to Prison you go.

  15. when the orange maggot is dead many people have vowed to take a dump on his grave #bucketlist

  16. Trump is just a sack of shit, that someone forgot to flush. Seems like Americans would be fed up of Trump throwing it along with Fox News and Republicans in Congress.

  17. Awesome signs Britain! Please recycle. Or hold onto them in case he comes back in 2 years as he has threatened to do!



  19. This is incredible. Don’t think we have ever experienced anything like this in history. It’s obvious Trump is a joke. I don’t understand why he is still in office. It is also scary because seems like most of the people who love him really hate those who don’t. Just want to say as a registered republican I think it bites big time they would want him as their leader. Look at the way he disrespects John McCain who was a heroic good man. The Brits are funny and having a field day with this bloke! They always get hit with jokes about the Queen. I would vote for her if she were able to run against him. I remember laughing as a young kid in America listening to the Sex Pistols doing God save the Queen. Johnny Rotton and the boys could have done a far greater song today. Trump is a huge dump. We mean it man….

  20. The British are wonderful!! We have to put up with this f——g clown every day, so we’re always looking for ways to laugh. Thanks for this . Just know that if anyone invites him back there—He’s yours forever.

  21. Honestly I quit caring what you brits think back in 1776. And again in 1812 next time we should just let you get used to eating sauerkraut Trump 2020.

  22. Thanks so much, British friends and allies, for some damn clever humour! This is one guy about which I’ve found very little to laugh, but a well-placed barb just kills it every time!!

  23. Thanks British friends for protesting and making up these clever signs. As a US citizen, I don’t see nearly enough criticism of him here, at least not enough to my liking. We just can’t reelect him!

  24. Grateful for our UK allies!! Thank you for helping us laugh through this terrible time!! #notmypresident

  25. Thanks all who protested in the UK. The idiot in the White House is mostly despised here in the USA. Only the mouth-breathing, bigots worship him.

  26. I think all of these signs fully support Trump’s assertion that the British people absolutely ADORE him, and all came out to show their support of his policies. It’s as obvious as the moon being part of Mars, or the fact that windmill noise causes cancer.

  27. Thank you UK! Keep Calm and Keep the signs coming. I loved everyone except the corgi. My corgi has better taste (and sense) than to eat a phony orange comb over

  28. WolfBrother 6/7/19 After the beautilful show for our Demander in
    Chief, I’m delighted to have some British in my ancestry!

  29. Me mum was born in Nottingham, but moved to Canada, then US. Thanks to all the Brits for telling this malignant narcissistic bully off. I’m somewhat insulated from the worst of his idiocy since I live in California, but every day I dread reading the news. It’s a good thing I don’t suffer from high blood pressure or I’d have a stroke!

  30. Hilarious! Thanks British friends for the laugh. Wish it was a laughing matter here in the states. He’s tearing things apart over here.

  31. Fantastic! Trust me –there are many people here in the US who can’t stand this absolute joke of a president. Thanks for the support!

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