The Funniest Protest Signs From Trump’s Visit To The UK

As you’ve probably noticed, we love reporting posting about Trump’s adventures on this site. Currently he’s visiting UK, so here are the funniest protest signs made by some brilliant UK citizens…

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Litter and dog waste.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

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1,033 thoughts on “The Funniest Protest Signs From Trump’s Visit To The UK”

  1. My favorite, IKEA has better cabinets, although all are appropriately funny and sobering! Thank you!

  2. you UKs rocked it, so happy to see these up close like couldn’t see on what you call the telly. trying to pick a fave, difficult.

  3. Thanks to the forefathers for their addition of enough checks and balances to keep Dotard from ruining this country. To all of his mouth breathing, moonshine drinking supporters: your mom’s in her bed waiting for you.

  4. The Brits used to be clever and have ideas. This crowd is simply vulgar and entirely lacking in substance. What exactly has Trump done that is wrong… ok I know US unemployment is less than half that of UK and US real economic growth is twice as high. Perhaps they are jealous or just ignorant.

  5. Thanks British friends, wish our own would protest as courageously as you do.
    We are suffering every day, but our House in Conhreed is going to save us.
    Keep it up!

  6. Good job lads, fair play – you’ve managed to piss off a few eejits in the states.

    On a side note- I do love the idiotic comments on here thinking British people are ignorant or jealous and that they’re vulgar. Nothing short of unoriginal cack from those lacking any real comprehension of the situation in the UK. So salty..😂😂

  7. What is it with the SOROS nonsense ? The Brits don’t need money to speak Truth to Power – they have been doing it for Centuries – Cardboard signs are free and so is the Press and the Public to speak their minds.
    Only FAKE in sight in sight is Donald Trump, FAILURE business man, UNFAITHFUL husband, NASTY father, SPENDTHRIFT son, Bully boss, IGNORANT President, EPIC nightmare for the USA.

  8. Why the streets in America aren’t filled with people like this EVERYDAY is a real mystery. Sorry to say; our country is jam packed with racist idiots who are actually stooges for the Corporations that have bought the government lock stock and barrel. (gun barrel = NRA) Bless you for standing up to this incompetent fraud. Now it;s our job to put him and his cronies where they belong. In PRISON.

  9. He actually tweeted a pic of a crowd of Liverpool football fans who’s come out to cheertheit team and claimed they were cheering for him!!

  10. The Commander in Cheat new book by Sports Illustrated writer Rick Reilly. Cheat a golf, cheat at business, cheat everyone and even yourself. Head to Dante’s lowest level when that time comes sooner than later.

  11. I have a slogan for you straight out of Trump’s speeches: Make American Great Again, Lock Him Up!

  12. His supporters always resort to someone being paid to do something, when they don’t know what else to say. Or they announce that it is fake news. Somebody help us!!!

  13. Yes, after trumpty-dumpty fell on his wall, we really do need to make American great again.

  14. The “Soros” comment is British humour. It is pointing out how ridiculous the conspiracy theories are. It’s fascinating to watch the stories being spun and photos of groups of people standing talking being presented as proof of protesters being paid off.

  15. Dear UK. The American voters did not make this person president. He became president because of a rusty malfunctioning part of our 18th constitution called the electoral college, which was added to the constitution so that little states such as Delaware would not be afraid of entering a union that included big states such as Virginia. It’s kind of a long story. But my point is that most Americans have no use for this guy, either. So why is he still around? Because this same constitution favors stability and continuity of government over responsiveness to the people’s desires; a president, once elected, is really hard to get rid of. A bad one has to be endured until the next election, for the most part. We have nothing like your parliamentary vote of no confidence. Anyway, we cherish and respect our allies, we know that climate change is the biggest problem facing mankind; we know that it’s wrong to take children from their parents and put them in cages. We are looking forward eagerly to election day 2020. In the meanwhile, love those signs!

  16. It would be worse if Hillary had become President. At least Donald causes people to come together against one cause. Wait, that’s not really happening either, is it? At the end of the day, he is still the President of the United States of America and you’d be kind to remember that.

  17. Thank you for your protests! Most of us do not want this clown in office. Keep fighting for us over there and we will keep fighting here. He SUCKS!!!

  18. Others have said it all. He sucks as a human being and he should not be the president of the United States. We’re sorry for this mistake!

  19. Funky Nassau: Based on your comment I can only assume you are an US citizen. And that makes me VERY embarrassed to be a fellow US citizen. Persons who express sentiments like yours – sheeple – are frighteningly naïve, lacking in the objectivity and capacity for critical thinking which should be a prerequisite for the right to vote. You are a danger in the china closet of democracy.

  20. Dear UK: Please more of this kind of protest. We are very sorry that a bizarre artifact of our electoral system made this person president. We are working to fix this, and truly owe you for this help. Signed, a majority of American voters

  21. Thank God for British humor! We truly value your support, because most of us are, frankly, embarrassed to let him loose on the world. If there ever was an “Ugly American” representing the rest of us, it’s DJT. Your Queen’s personal gift to him (a BOOK!) had me smiling all day! While we love to share in your culture and pomp and circumstance and all things Brit- we are sorry to have unleashed him on you. We’ll try to do better next time- for the sake of the world as well as the US. Oh- but DJT did tweet that Her Majesty was having “the time of her life” with him during his visit. Lucky gal. I’m not a fan of Camilla, but that well-timed wink had us in stitches!!

  22. Score count:
    JD: +101 (Bonus point for Sheeple)
    Funky Nassau: Sorry we don’t assign scores for stupidity.

  23. Thank you for the protests and the signs. We did not vote him in office. The election and the Electorial College was rigged. The popular vote was for Hillary Clinton. We are doing everything to make sure this does not happen again. 2020 is closer than we think…we are pushing for a large turnout of those who want him and his family long gone from the American scene. I pray our Allies hang in with the citizens who are working to effect this change. We are dealing with a very sick person every day, it has to end .

  24. Funky Nassau has not my president. He can’t open his mouth without letting even about stupid shit like calling Duchess of Sussex nasty denying it when there’s audio to support it. He’s a laughing stock to 53% of our country.

  25. It’s signs this this that makes me love you Brits even more than I do.

  26. I am embarrassed that Americans are stupid enough to leave messages like this. Make America Great Again!!!

  27. Funky Nassau – you know what? I HATED Bush Jr., but I respected that he was the President. I was embarrassed by him as the leader of this country. Again, I respected him. Trump is not worthy of being anything but an inmate in this country. He does not deserve respect. In order to get respect, you have to be able to give it. He respects no one. I could go on and on, but those of us that know what he is, can fill in the blanks.

  28. I wasn’t feeling well today but after reading and laughing at your signs, I’m feeling really great 👍.
    Thank you Brits!

  29. So enjoyed reading the signs. He’s such an embarrassment to us here in the United States. Just love love love British humor. Can’t wait until next November to vote DJT the hell out of my hometown and out of the people’s house. We don’t want him here in Washington D.C. He wanted Hillery locked up but, I say “ we won’t make no deal, lock him up for real!!”

  30. I am ashamed we elected an individual such as Donald Trump. The signs express the feelings of a large majority of Americans. Hopefully we will be rid of this idiot in 2020. Thank you for your creative expression of disgust of such a poor excuse of a human being.

  31. As a FAN of “Faulty Towers”, I RESPECT BRITISH HUMOR All the Way ! You ALWAYS Make MY DAY !

  32. Nice. But does Trump not tell you that perhaps your system needs an overhaul, so that idiots like him can not get into into power.

  33. I have a British father but was raised in the United States. This is heartwarming. Citizens of the UK, we apologize for Trump and hope you’ll remember that 60% think he’s awful too.

  34. There is a much mistaken belief that President Trump has no supporters. Many of us realize that Trump has many shortcomings BUT by God, and Donald Trump, we will see a long overdue change in the world and even if we must endure a period of discomfort and higher prices; Yes l said short term, we will emerge to a much needed and more level playing field that favors a much longer period of fair trade, fair prices, and a long overdue balance of world politics by standing up to the bull crap of nice guys because we finally have a leader who will no longer knuckle under. That’s part of why we do not get pushed around by The tyrants Like N.Korea. lf you are naive enough to believe the Bullies and Terrorists of this world will respond to Nice Guy behaviour it will not be long before America becomes overrun by those Polite Chinese, or those Muslems who desire to be in power as Ruthless Dictators.
    Get your head out of the Sand; look at the big picture. If being nice and supporting or overlooking the Bullys will bring Love and fairness into the world then why all the insane and selfish and violence on the planet. Move your personalities the hell out of the way and leave the Crazy man Trump alone long enough to bring about AFAIRNESS that is long overdue, and also impossible using nice guy politics. China, Russia and the Middle east countries are not Nice Guys, nor are they friends of a free world. They do not understand nor believe in win win politics any more than Hitler did. If you want to See America as a defeated and overrun country, possibly a colony of China or of a country under control of a True dictatorship just go right on focusing an Trumps shortcomings and refuse to look at the Big picture.
    I regret having to publish anonymously BUT many of you will shoot the messenger rather than wake up to a much needed change, even if it takes a President with Jerky behaviour- that also is Smart enough to know that a Nice guy approach will not get the job done. Just as being a Trump supporter out loud only gives fuel to ignorant people who would rather be right in their anger than to uphold and honor our leader. Keep it up and your children and grandchildren will inherit a world we will all regret. Pray for Freedom folks and suffer through a period of discomfort while we have the one person who has the Guts and grit to withstand your childish behaviour long enough to bring about GOOD lasting change. However and whatever it takes. Good nite and God bless all of us.

  35. The Americans in these comments looked intelligent until that last comment. Sheesh

  36. American patriot, that’s one of the most intelligent comments I’ve ever read to express how many of us feel about this absurd situation–at least, how I feel. Here, here. And- Love you, England.

  37. Make America great Britain again lol 😂😂😂😂😂🤣 sorry I have Tourette screw trump build a wall around the white house

  38. Anonymous: The way our system works is if we elect a terrible President ( as it does happen occasionally ) We only have 4 years and we can try again. So in the past I did feel like you. Even if I did not vote for him I would give him my support. Its the American way. Until now! Trump is a con-man, an evil man, a low life form. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie. I knew this long ago, I never thought anyone would vote for him, to me it was obvious the first time I heard him speak. I still cannot understand why people such as yourself would vote someone like him into office. He is destroying our democracy and I am to the point now that it is no longer cute or funny. I think the people that voted him in should be held accountable for having such terrible judgement. You are right to not use your name.

  39. P,S. Are you Kidding me? You think he is tough on our enemy’s? Did you not see the way he cozy upped to Putin? And Kim Jon un, He wants to be like them. You need to pay attention. The way he has got the economy going is by taking all the regulations away that were meant to keep our environment in good shape for our children, not to mention rolling back the banking regulations that sent us into a depression in 2008. You need to wake up!

  40. Wait!!! Dear UK let’s be clear. You have support you friend America through every racist, bigot, criminal, white collar gangster, and every intolerable crime that America has heaped on people and countries around the world. And lets not talk about your support of Aparthied and colonialism throughout the world of color. So Trump shows up and he’s like a mirror that so many people don’t like to look at because he is a reflection of the composite wrong in this world thst does not want true divetsity

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