The Funniest Protest Signs From Trump’s Visit To The UK

As you’ve probably noticed, we love reporting posting about Trump’s adventures on this site. Currently he’s visiting UK, so here are the funniest protest signs made by some brilliant UK citizens…

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Litter and dog waste.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

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1,033 thoughts on “The Funniest Protest Signs From Trump’s Visit To The UK”

  1. Thank you for protesting!!! We are in so much trouble here it is terrifying. The combover in chief is a total disaster. We are counting the minutes until he is out of office….we are praying for impeachment!

  2. Wow smart Brits !!!!!!!!!!!!!!you vote the goat jumper for the mayor of London / PERFECT!!!!!!

  3. Let’s just hope that the Trump haters out number the frenzied, hateful, ignorami that make up so much of our country. All we can do is vote.

  4. The astute reader will note that the pro-Trump comments number about one in twenty, which likely reflects the number of real votes that Trump got in the presidential election. Russia’s interference in our election was more than anyone imagines. It is no coincidence that small areas in three states had a few thousand more Trump votes than expected, which happened to be enough to swing the antiquated electoral college in Trump’s favor. 70,000 votes in three states were enough to make this madman president. Think of that…it would take someone who really knew what he/she was doing to pick exactly the right precincts in which to alter the votes in order to change the outcome.

  5. Yes we need to elect Bernie or Kamala and abolish the Electoral college so that the whole US will look like LA or San Fran or NY or Chi. which are all run by liberals and are the worst place to live. Or if we are lucky it might turn out like London. Wake up world , there is no liberal that has a better way to govern or make the US better. If the US doesn’t thrive neither will the rest of the world. Further, I doubt that we would ever disrespect any leader from the UK the way Trump was disrespected there. Shame on you England

  6. All this and yet he’s still President.

    Oh, and he’ll be re-elected, too.


  7. I offer apologies on behalf of some of the comments in support of Mr. Trump. Our facility, which provides treatment and services for those with severe mental disorders, cognitive impairment and botched prefrontal lobotomies, recently assured internet access to some of our more troubled individuals in our residential program. Who are still adjusting to changes to their medication and ECT regimen. We are currently providing diversions involving these patients in their independent choices for arts and crafts, where they are busy fashioning MAGA caps out of aluminum foil. Thank you for your patience and understanding regarding these fragile individuals.

  8. Socialism and liberals are just great. i arrived in SF as an asylum seeker with a boy i called my son… I now receive over $42,500 a year in handouts from you the generous US taxpayers, free health care too.Thank u america… now back to work getting all my friends and family here to enjoy the handouts

  9. To are British friends the majority of Americans voted for Clinton. But Trump has all the racists, Nazis, alt right, pollution deniers, chicken hawks, and other low life. The joke is on us.

  10. Now if these lovely people would put this creativity to better use. There is so much absolute blind hate in this world, it’s unreal and notice the smiles as these people have their pictures taken with their clever signs, as if recognition makes them light up. Love should be what makes us light up, not trying to be clever and gaining rewards and recognition from men.

  11. The majority of Americans voted for Clinton! Our electoral college is an outdated relic that needs to be sidelined!

  12. How clever and hilarious. The signs the memes. But seriously folks don’t forget to actually go to polls and vote next time!

  13. FUNKY NASSAU — In my eyes he is not the President – he is a dictator. If, G-d Forbid he is re-elected, the Republican puppets in the Senate will do all they can to rush through an amendment allowing him a third term. Remember Hitler was elected by the people (even though Trump was not). Hitler also got rid of all the people he did not like – Trump does the same thing, except in a different way.
    Trump lies about everything that I wonder if his name is even Donald John Trump. Granted, after 5 or 6 more lies to clean up his mess, he eventually comes close to the truth. He even lied about where his father was born.

  14. The election of Trump says more about America than does Trump’s actual behavior. That our political leaders kowtow to him and refuse to call the man on his illicit activity and behavior says more about them (and ultimately the voters). To the rest of the world: it’s the American people you should be shaming and not the mouthpiece for the stupidity of the electorate. It’s the Americans (us, I am one of them) that constitute the ultimate problem.

  15. I blame the senate majority leader, you know the guy Trump put his wife in charge of transportation. The GOP is letting him get away with damn near murder. How can we watch as children are being harmed and caged? Could you see any of Trumps kids being hauled off? You all know what happens when things come back around. None of it is going to be any good.

  16. So the word clever must have a different meaning in England, in America we call this attempt at mockery pathetic.

  17. Thanks for the signs, people of the UK! If you’re an American, maybe you should finally vote like your life depended on it? Low turnout among Democrats in the “blue wall” (Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania) is what got Trump elected. We can fix this in 2020…then that orange haired clown goes to either state prison in New York…or The Big House on Federal charges!

  18. Thanks UK for your support of the RESISTANCE! We hope to vote him out. What to do with his supporters??? Got any anti-brainwashing substance?

  19. As a proud American Citizen, I’d like to say that the majority of us LOVE our President! And you really don’t have a say in it at all since he isn’t yours! So **** off!!!

  20. As a proud American citizen, Leanne, I’ll say that the majority of us do love our President Obama! Oh, wait a minute — you really meant, someone that wasn’t actually elected by a majority of the American people, but by a quirk of the U.S. electoral process. Well, the majority of the American people went with Hillary Clinton, not the wanker that’s in office now. And, by the way, other nations DO have a say in how they deal with our presidents. Just see how much they will support him when America needs the international community to help us with some crisis he’s gotten us into. And such filthy asterisks, too! Tsk, tsk.

  21. extremely bad taste and childish. I would be ashamed to be one of them. they have No self respect!!

  22. One would need to be as immoral, as dumb, as racist, and as money driven to support a lying machine as Donald j. dumb.

  23. I know a great free market capitalist who inherited a small farm in Ohio…related to him in fact.

    Does no farming but says he is an auto mechanic yet…fixes no cars either. He tells me he gets $10,000/yr. from the state of Ohio and get this, $50,000/yr. from the feds, both in farm subsidies. NOT to farm.

    Then this great free market capitalist, goes every Sunday morn down to The Olds Saw Pub. There he and other farmers compare subsidy checks while bitchin ’bout those welfare cheats.

    Isn’t that precious ?

  24. You Trump haters make me laugh… You all hate him but you cannot state why! Oh you can call him names, you are very good at that, but you cannot state in plain English the reason for your hatred. And when you call him a name, such as “Racist” you offer no proof. I have heard Trump speak many times and have never heard him utter a single racially motivated statement. Just because he wants to protect USA borders does not make him racist! We do the same here in the UK!
    You are all pathetic.

  25. Looks like England has switched from tea to CNN cool aid. What a bunch of tossers. BTW how is your Muslim invasion going?

  26. God bless the British … they know much better what a pile of @#$# America is in than the people that live in America :-(

  27. What makes this terrific humor is the accuracy of the depictions of this totally uneducated POTUS fool. Dirtbag Donnie actually brags in his book “The Art of the Deal” “I’m smart I never cracked a book in college.” Yes – Dumbbell Donnie I can totally believe that because it shows – you have no formal education your father bought you a degree without you ever doing any work and acquiring any education! Your daily incompetence totally demonstrates this lack of any formal education to everyone.

  28. what a joke these chump lovers people hear only what you choose to hear and see only what you choose to make rediculous statements like chump is kelping America to be a better country and the fact is he is making America look like a cheap carnival side show.what a great president who locks children in cages,who has been accused of sexual assault by several women,calleed immigrants non human,rapists and thieves,praises putin,kim and white supremists,nazis and the kkk.wake up,losers and look at what you fake president is doing to you and everyone else.him and moscow mitch are going to ruin this country.

  29. Say what ever you want at least he’s keeping to his word for the most part a flopped on around like a fish out a water unlike Hilary, Obama, etc. when it comes to political issues. I say yes still way better than that ancient windbag named Hilary Clinton

  30. Absolutely LOVE these signs. Most Americans hate this fool too. Worst thing to ever happen to our country. Separating families, throwing children in cages in concentration camps… America has become Nazi Germany.
    We MUST vote this ******* out!
    Kentucky, wake the hell up and vote Moskow Mitch out! He’s destroying our country.

  31. Obama was respected throughout the world’s community, unlike our present Cheeto-in-Chief. He aligned himself with agents of democracy, not autocratic regimes. It is obvious that 45’s desire is to emulate those regimes and is not concerned with diplomacy, because he doesn’t think that is necessary. If you study world history the parallels between the U.S.and that of pre-Nazi Germany is scary.


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