The Funniest Protest Signs From Trump’s Visit To The UK

As you’ve probably noticed, we love reporting posting about Trump’s adventures on this site. Currently he’s visiting UK, so here are the funniest protest signs made by some brilliant UK citizens…

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Litter and dog waste.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

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1,033 thoughts on “The Funniest Protest Signs From Trump’s Visit To The UK”

  1. Ha Ha.. They sure know our POS President.. but everyone does really. He and his clan need to all go to jail and ROT.

  2. Maybe the people who think attacking Britain for its tolerance towards refugees and immigrant should take a history lesson on the formation of the USA – a country of immigrants. When you attack Muslim immigrants and rejoice in Trump’s extremely rude and childish insults to our Mayor of London you are demeaning your own ancestry which is likely to have been of poor people moving continents to find a better life for themselves and their offspring. Grow up and stop hating and get a sense of humour!

  3. Thank you London (and the rest of the UK). Those wonderful signs gave me a much needed laugh.

    You know if you kept him, and feed him to the corgis it would solve a lot of problems. Just saying …

  4. Awesome! Can’t wait to see the ones after today’s events! Wish our own country had the guts of the Brits to tell it like it is…humour helps deal with the pain of his God-awful “presidency.”

  5. Trump brought the kids because he thought that the Young British Royals should meet the young America Royals..
    His narcissism knows no limits…

  6. They probably never check the Queen or other Royals for weapons…good opportunity since the Queen might be above the law. What would have been terrific was a full on Caesar Ides of March scenario where the trump clan doesn’t survive the salad course…

  7. The greatest asset the people of the UK have is their sense of humor and the second greatest asset is they know a narcissistic sociopath with a bad hair when they see one.

  8. THANK YOU, UK! We love you! I’m so sorry you have to deal with trump’s bunch of criminal morons. (At least you’ll get rid of him and his clan in a few days; we’re stuck with them!) I wish his supporters here (why there are any is unfathomable!) would get a clue, but they are glued to fox “news” and don’t know any better. Question: would you consider taking us back?

  9. Hate shows such great character. Why didn’t we walk away and they’d be speaking in German.

  10. Thank you thank you thank you!! Sadly, I couldn’t be there today but you all made my day!!
    Everyone have milkshakes for tomorrow?? If not, eggs will do!

  11. Some truly excellent signs at the protest that he’s just said didn’t happen! America please take him back and give him some colouring in to do while the rest of the world gets on with some grown up politics?

  12. who but the Brits could come up with all these signs. Good Job. Kick his ass off the Island.

  13. The Queen had the best, most British way, of e pressing contempt for der Gropenfuhrer: she gave him a book!

  14. Thank-you England. You gave him more hospitality that he deserves. He does not represent the people of the United States. All we can do is apologize for his boorish behavior and lack of manners. We are all so sorry.

  15. The queen wore the Brooch given to her by the Obama’s to greet him yesterday…trolled by a

  16. Thanks UK! We despise Trump as much or even more so! Wish we could dump him with the trash!

  17. My DNA shows 49% Great Britain, 24% Ireland/Scotland/Wales……not sure about the rest, but I am proud of that 73%. Wish I was there to protest with all my relatives. I just hope the States get through this mess of an administration without major problems. Pray for us relatives!!!

  18. Dear UK, We appreciate your courage and commitment. Thanks for coming out and raising your voices against this corrupt, xenophobic, and utterly narcissistic human being. It’s clear to most of us — who have to live with 24/7 news cycle in US — that the man is all about benefiting himself. He has no rigor in terms of intelligence; no interest in working for the common good on this planet; and no talents other than lying, cheating, and acting like an insufferable bore. In other words, I cannot believe his lineage extends to Scotland on his mother’s side. There is no soul in Trump. We love the UK!

  19. we live in fear this egomaniac trump (lower case intentional) will start another “conflict ” to inflate his tough guy posturing ..the world WILL be safer when this liar is out of the White House. Thanks for the bit of humor to ease the constant incredulous behavior of his ilk … i must state that i find his kind are just what you’ve always called the “ugly american”.. We cant seem to get people here to know History OR Propaganda.. We’re like the ancient Romans who saw their government collapse but didn’t care as long as the bread and circus show was running. God help us !!

  20. We in the States love the British. Not only did you invent the English language, you always know how to put it to good use.

  21. Great signs UK! Thank you for taking him for a few days. Are you sure you can’t keep him?? Love your friends in the US :)

  22. These are brilliant! Trump cannot handle ridicule (though he can cruelly and clumsily dish it out), and no one does ridicule with better style and sly wit than the Brits! Love our cousins across the pond. 😘

  23. Jim: “Hi Brits…next time some foreign air force bombs London….call somebody else!”

    Brits: “Next time you want to ‘save’ us, how about you don’t wait until you think you might be in danger before joining in. Then we might believe it was an selfless act”

    (P.S. WW2 started in earnest in 1939, you guys only waded in in 1941 after Pearl Harbour)

  24. You guys we can’t feed him to the Corgis… They are such sweet little fur babies. We don’t want to feed poison to them.

  25. “Hi Brits…next time some foreign air force bombs London….call somebody else!”
    “Hi Americans…next time fascists are taking over the free world, don’t take nearly three years to decide to join in!”

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