54 thoughts on “Awkward Trend: Dragon Cat Haircuts”

  1. This is just sad and utterly disrespectful of the cats. Especially the green cat makes me want to call animal control

  2. Every single one of these kitties looks utterly miserable. I feel bad for them. Some people have more money than brains.

  3. Sick, bad, stupid, lame. Let them do it to themselves if they must but leave their pets (dogs or cats) alone.

  4. By the expressions on these cats faces, I think about half of them are contemplating murder.

  5. love them Dragon look. to the UNEDUCATED. cats love to be shaved. I shave my Maine coon, twice a year. after her shave, she purrs and dances. it’s like I removed and heavy woolen coats!

  6. I don’t believe the cats are acutely aware of the cut but I know the look of a cat that has never been outside. Not one single happy cat here!

  7. ‘disrespectful of the cats’ – haha. Many of these look pretty cool, but best avoided for the fat-faced cats.

  8. No images of a cat actually having that done to him or her. I can’t see any cat I have ever known enjoying that for the frivolous amusement of its human. Frivolous and gauche.

  9. Cats look miserable even in default settings, I’m sure every one of the owners actually love their cat. Liven up!

  10. Seems people have stated loving DRAGONS after the pandemic of Chinese virus.astonishing stupidity

  11. Besides beimg embarrassing, this is cruel. Shaving a cat’s tail affects their balance. Their fur is such a part of them. They don’t like their tur messed up for reasons. Real reasons!
    Stop being thoughtless, cruel and selfish. Not to mention outright DANGEROUS for the animal!
    Grow up. It’s not a stuffed toy.

  12. It’s cruel and so wrong. They need their fur to protect them. All the cats looks very scared in those photos.

  13. This is.good for people who have nothing else to do with their lives I personally think it is the dumbest thing I have ever seen

  14. Umm about the cats being miserable, this audience does not know what a Persian Cat is calling it “Fat-faced” from one. Persian cats always have this expression! Jeesh you guys you don’t even know cats!
    Plus “Joe,” dragging all these dragon cuts to the Chinese and the Corona Virus is pretty miserable. Their fur will grow out but all your misspelled, stiffy comments surely won’t.

  15. Please just stop. Don’t people have any respect for animals. If you seriously think this is okay to do to a cat you shouldn’t be allowed to own a cat

  16. Oh, PLEASE people! This is some funny stuff! Besides, it all grows back. Much like that of weeping women who cry over a bad hair cut. Sheesh

  17. Why in the world would you do this to your beloved pet? It defies logic and I have to wonder what you get out of this abomination becuz I’m more than sure the poor creature doesn’t enjoy the process. Shame on you all!

  18. There’s nothing funny about ANY “trend” involving messing with animals natural “settings”. When something is necessary, it’s necessary, but a “trend” is synonym of idiot.
    Grow up, humans.

  19. None of these cats look happy. This is not a cartoon these are living breathing beings who deserve respect. Amounts to animal cruelty.

  20. The only time a cat should warrant a fur cutting session is when they have been neglected and a veterinary has to sadly shave their fur or for medical reasons. Other than that the owners doing this are actually allowing and advertising cruelty to their supposed beloved pets.

  21. I don’t think it matters what I think, but those cats don’t seem to thrilled about it looks weird to me I would t do that to my cat. People with a lot of time on their hands.

  22. I have no idea how most of you managed this amazing feat…. Many cats, and dogs love a good shaving! I live in the high desert of New Mexico. It’s pretty common to give a beloved pet a summer haircut, and then maybe again before fall. We have five or more months of 90-plus degree heat here. So what’s the problem if someone gets a bit creative with the clippers? Hasn’t anyone ever seen a dog show on TV? Most dogs are groomed beyond belief-especially the standard Poodles! If these cat owners can manage these incredibly funny and detailed haircuts without traumatizing the pet, just enjoy the results. Take a breathe. It will be just fine.
    I am a full-time pet sitter (over 30 years experience) with many, many clients who shave their animals-both cats and dogs. A good groomer can knock-out a haircut like this in a shorter time than you could imagine…..
    P.S. I’m including my full name for those of you that wish to continue critiquing and/or criticizing. Knock yourselves out!

  23. Animals know when they aren’t normal looking. We had a Cocker Spaniel that didn’t like to get wet. I liked to walk around the neighborhood even in light rain. It was a good time to walk the dog(s) but Buffy the Cocker didn’t like it. So we bought a rain coat and put it on poor Buffy. You could tell that the poor dog was mortified! The rain cost had to go! She liked her cute little sweater, however.

  24. If you want to groom a cat to look like a dragon, you could buy or even create some kind of cat fashion doll to style to your heart’s content.

    Sure, it looks cool, but the cats don’t look very happy. Shaving a cat’s fur isn’t really the problem, it’s shaving the fur unevenly or making them almost bald that’s bad. Shaving the fur on a long haired cat when it’s warm out? Sure, that’s fine, as long as you try to shave it evenly so the cat doesn’t have spots that are warmer or colder than others. And make sure the fur isn’t cut too short, since they might be more prone to skin injuries without the fur to protect it.

    I’d much rather have a happy cat with its natural fur color and shape than an angry cat who has styled fur with the intention of looking like a dragon.

    Tldr, style some kind of toy cat’s fur rather than a real cat’s fur.

  25. Also, if you shave your cat like this you won’t be able to pet its fluffy fur, instead you’d pretty much just be petting its skin.

  26. I had to shave my cat once and it didn’t effect him at all. It was years before any of this trendy cat shaving and it was what they call the lion cut now. We had horrible flee season where I lived despite doing everything all animals got flees if they had fur. People shaved there hounds in our county and I shaved our hound mix she was fine it grew back had to spend more time inside away from the sun but other then that it was fine. Some cats take bad pictures and as a photographer that looks like what I am seeing. People forcing cats to take a picture.

  27. not all of them were bad only the ones that dyed the cats fur are stupid cause that can kill your cat from skin cancer.

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