The Weird Self-Portraits Of Edu Monteiro. Is This Art?

There is almost nothing Edu Monteiro wouldn’t put over his head for the sake of a self-portrait. He calls this collection “Sensorial Self-Portraits”. The somewhat disturbing series was started in 2009. He hides his face behind a mask made from found objects and materials, choosing them based on the sensory and aesthetic impact they make on the viewer. Bananas, feathers, coal, cigarettes, dead animals, and even an octopus have all guest-starred in Montiero’s photos, a refreshing change from the sheer amount of vapid selfies we see on social media each day. Scroll down to see them all and let us know in the cooments below if this is art or not. What do you think?

Self-portrait by Edu Monteiro.

Self-portrait by Edu Monteiro.

Self-portrait by Edu Monteiro.

Self-portrait by Edu Monteiro.

Self-portrait by Edu Monteiro.

Self-portrait by Edu Monteiro.

Self-portrait by Edu Monteiro.

Self-portrait by Edu Monteiro.

Self-portrait by Edu Monteiro.

Self-portrait by Edu Monteiro.

Self-portrait by Edu Monteiro.

Self-portrait by Edu Monteiro.

Self-portrait by Edu Monteiro.

Self-portrait by Edu Monteiro.

Self-portrait by Edu Monteiro.

Self-portrait by Edu Monteiro.

Self-portrait by Edu Monteiro.

Self-portrait by Edu Monteiro.

Self-portrait by Edu Monteiro.

Self-portrait by Edu Monteiro.

Self-portrait by Edu Monteiro.

Self-portrait by Edu Monteiro.

Self-portrait by Edu Monteiro.

Self-portrait by Edu Monteiro.

29 thoughts on “The Weird Self-Portraits Of Edu Monteiro. Is This Art?”

  1. So this guy is an “artist”? Looks like an idiot dental flossing crap to his head for attention to me.

  2. I realize your site name is literally but come on. You have the entire internet at your disposal and this is what you found?

  3. In my time we would call it a load of bloody bollocks. Probably not allowed to say that now though.

    Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap.

  4. I have a serious question for the people who have decided this is not art. Can you define “art”?
    I actually have a 2nd question. What makes it not art? Try to be specific.

  5. @pizzananas

    1. It does not provoke any thought
    2. it’s too repetitive
    3. it is unimaginative
    4. it lacks depth
    5. it requires no talent

    What makes you think this would be art, especially when stcikmen pictures from 3rd graders are better.

  6. @Anonymous #1
    1.To you
    2. Personal taste
    3. I disagree. Sure it could be improved, but it’s creative.
    4. I’ll give you that, but who says it’s required?
    5. Talent is a concept even more nebulous than art is.

    Still no definition of art.

  7. @Anonymous #2
    You have every right to dislike it and not call it art.
    Now think about how you could define art, what it really means to you, and is this meaning personal or universal. Just try, for yourself. You could find it interesting.

  8. Yes.

    One may not like it, but the fact is that we are all discussing it. I see more interesting reasoning here (regardless of positioning) than in the entire worldwide political panorama.

  9. I looked up the definition of “art”. This is what I found:

    The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

    I do not find his work creative or imaginative. I also do not find it beautiful or evoking any powerful emotions. By the definition, it is not art.

    However, I do still consider the work art. The above definition is a bit limited.

    However, I consider the work “bad” art. It doesn’t take any talent. To me, “good” art requires talent that I do not possess. I can literally replicate these photos with ease.

  10. @Argo
    There are many works of art you can replicate with ease, because the “art” is not confined in the execution.
    That being said, unlike some people in this comment section, you think before judging and this is what matters.

  11. I think Edu Monteiro – I mean, pizzananas – won’t be happy until we all agree that this is indeed a work of art. And it may be, since art is very personal, but definitely not a very good one.

  12. @Anonymous
    who said “I think Edu Monteiro – I mean, pizzananas – won’t be happy until we all agree that this is indeed a work of art.”

    If I’m being honest, I don’t think this photo series is particularly interesting, but I find it so strange when people are quick to dismiss something as “not art” when they quite obviously didn’t think about it. Of course, everyone is free to strongly dislike something and say it loud and clear, but don’t mistake your dislike for a judgement on what art is or isn’t. This is the fundamental purpose of art, opening a debate, pushing you to reflect upon what you perceive.

  13. Centuries.
    Literally. Humanity discussed art concept for centuries and people thinks to say something clever here and now.

    You’re discussing tastes, and it’s pointless.

    By the way, Sad&Useless is not about the content, it’s about us that attend this site.

  14. thank you for your wise choice of words, @the last anonymous on this comment section!!

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