Remember Emo Kid Scene? The Funniest Emo Photos Ever!

Remember those glorious days many years ago when internet was dominated by MySpace and emo kid scene? It was an amazing time… They always seemed to be on the verge of tears – probably because they’ve had survived more heartbreak than you could ever imagine. So go ahead, make fun of their dark makeup and angsty demeanor – they’ll just write a beautifully sad poem about it later.

Emo kid.

Emo kid.

Emo kids.

Emo kid.

Emo kids.

Emo kid.

Where did emos come from? The emo scene emerged in the 1990s as a subculture of punk rock music. Emo, short for “emotional,” was characterized by its raw, confessional lyrics and intense, often melancholic sound. The scene was closely tied to fashion, with most of the emo kids sporting black clothing, heavy eyeliner and dyed hair. The emo subculture was known for its emphasis on emotional authenticity, sensitivity and vulnerability, and its members often expressed themselves through writing and heart-breaking poetry. Where did all those emos go? Why did they dissappear? Well… They did grow up.

Emo kids.

Emo kid.

Emo kids.

Emo kid.

Emo kid.

Emo kid.

Emo kids.

Emo kid.

Emo kid.

Emo kids.

Emo kid.

Emo kids.

Emo kid.

Emo kid.

Emo kid.

Emo kids.

Emo kid.

Emo kid.

37 thoughts on “Remember Emo Kid Scene? The Funniest Emo Photos Ever!”

  1. Spring forward to 2023, and they’re still drug addicts and living off our tax dollars.

  2. Emo started in the mid 80’s, it was a term bestowed on the DC scene by Thrasher magazine , “emotional hardcore “ all the bands hated it. Real emo was dead by 1989.

  3. From anonymous:

    “Spring forward to 2023, and they’re still drug addicts and living off our tax dollars.”

    Yes, just like your wretched military.

  4. This is like the end of emo in the 2000s when the Millenials got a hold of it and ruined it just like they are ruining the economy right now.

  5. For some of those kids it’s just a fashion thing, but for others it looks like they really do need help in a shitty situation.

  6. Back when we used to call crazy for what it was. Now, it’s a crime to notice they’re nuts.

  7. Today, they are now parents and shop Walmart in pajamas while pushing shopping carts with at least one spawn, and full of Doritos, ice cream and Pepsi. All of them. Attire has changed by the piercings, tattoos and hair color remains the same. They gave up threatening self harm for incessant Tic Toc viewing while trudging through the aisles.

  8. Glorifying depression, anxiety, and self-abuse wasn’t pretty then and it’s not pretty now.

  9. If I remember correctly, the older guy towards the top was a troll from the late 90’s/ early 00’s.

    A lot of emo kids were just shocking to be shocking. Nothing creative, funny, intelligent, sad or shocking about it. It’s just a cry for attention via being “different.” I hope these people are comfortable with who they are now.

  10. There are emos now, but we’re more… aesthetically developed, I will say. And we don’t joke about s/h as much. It is a real problem, and many people struggle with their mental health, not just emos.

  11. some of these emos are a bit extreme but i don’t think emo really died off, I mean a lot of gen-zers are emo still, it just kind of branched off into its own thing. I mean think of hot topic my guys that is the #1 emo store for this generation

  12. The last two people who commented are just not well raised on realizing it is an emotional thing and also just a style that in my opinion looks cool and the last comment was rude and unnecessary

  13. I find these pictures very entertaining. And as a scene person in the modern world I feel major hatred in this comment section

  14. Why are people so mean ?
    It was just a stupid trend no more than that. These guys are probably looking at those pictures and cringe rn it’s not that deep.

  15. 99% look ridiculous. When it comes to responsibility and ownership of his or her actions, emos do not get a free pass.

  16. lol whats with the like 40 year old emo dad? what a loser. to actully want to dress like the retards when your that age. pathetic.

  17. ok but you guys arent even funny. Emos have evolved plus nobody jokes about s/h…these people are probably looking back at these photos and they dont like it either. But it does absolutely not give you the right to trash talk them. they probs have a diff style now.
    just be happy and look at these photos and have flashbacks of the 2000’s !\
    (unless your a 10 year old kid dogwatering these photos for no absolute reason. :/ )

  18. Some of the people in this comment section are saying how they hated how bad society was back than with emos all over the place, but in my opinion society is a lot worse with mean people like them than with any of the cringy emos in the photos. (No Offence)

  19. kill urselves. y’all r deadass the weirdest most cringe ppl ever. Get out of ur dumbass “mancaves” and go do smth normal for once in ur lives.

  20. Womp womp to all the clowns being like ” how would u feel if u got trash talked like dis ” like who asked bro

  21. a lot of stuff in youth is a passing phase. i’d hope that most of these kids are past whatever made them id as emo and are now living normal lives, with normal bills suffering normal inflation and their own normal kids. oh, and dressing normally so as not to offend commenters on s&u.

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