Now That Brexit Is Done, Here’s What It Would Be Called If Other EU Members Decided To Leave

Even though Brexit has been a spectacular failure, the UK has finally left European Union. Could similar campaigns have flourished with catchier names in other EU countries? Probably not, for reasons that are becoming clearer and clearer. But just in case, the internet’s punsters are parodying Brexit with suggestions for names that the rest of Europe can use if they decide they’ve had enough.

Leaving EU slogan.

Leaving EU slogan.

Leaving EU slogan.

Leaving EU slogan.

Leaving EU slogan.

Leaving EU slogan.

Leaving EU slogan.

Leaving EU slogan.

Leaving EU slogan.

Leaving EU slogan.

Leaving EU slogan.

Leaving EU slogan.

Leaving EU slogan.

Leaving EU slogan.

Leaving EU slogan.

Leaving EU slogan.

Leaving EU slogan.

Leaving EU slogan.

Leaving EU slogan.

Leaving EU slogan.

Leaving EU slogan.

Leaving EU slogan.

13 thoughts on “Now That Brexit Is Done, Here’s What It Would Be Called If Other EU Members Decided To Leave”

  1. Awesome.

    I don’t know how they expected to stay together, anyway. It’s hard enough to obtain consensus when all the parties speak the same language and had similar upbringings. Pushing those disparate parties together was a doomed experiment from the outset.

  2. So…instead of separate economies where if one encountered difficulty others could help each other out, they thought one big economy that could collapse all together was a good idea? Leave it to the globalists.

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