The Future of Male Fashion: Skirts And Dresses!

As you can see from this collection of outfits from various designers, the future of male fashion is all about the celebration of manliness. Why wear pants when you can enjoy the style and convenience of a dress? Scroll down and prepare to be inspired!

The future of male fashion?

The future of male fashion?

The future of male fashion?

The future of male fashion?

The future of male fashion?

The future of male fashion?

The future of male fashion?

The future of male fashion?

The future of male fashion?

The future of male fashion?

The future of male fashion?

The future of male fashion?

The future of male fashion?

The future of male fashion?

The future of male fashion?

The future of male fashion?

The future of male fashion?

The future of male fashion?

The future of male fashion?

The future of male fashion?

The future of male fashion?

The future of male fashion?

Are you man enough to fill a dress? Let us know in the comments below!

19 thoughts on “The Future of Male Fashion: Skirts And Dresses!”

  1. It’s not the men in dresses that bothers me. It’s that someone made this shit because they thought it would look good. It would look just as bad on a woman. No, it’s not art. And the people who go to these shows? Do they sit around for an hour or two afterward with a drink in one hand and a Juul in the other and discuss the fabulous, daring creativity? Or do they talk about the latest celebrity gossip because they’ve already forgotten this crap and how much they paid to see it?
    On the other hand, it *is* good for a laugh.

  2. I could see that coming to a Walmart near me. I wonder if those outfits will come in a 4XL and camouflage print?

  3. The fashion industry is just like the advertising industry. Who do you blame? The ‘creatives’ that dream up this shit, the models and actors who bring it to life or the cretins who lap it up and make the whole sorry spectacle viable?

  4. People who click on a link and then mock the contents are indeed a mysterious example of self inflicted loathing.

  5. remember this is a sort of “trade show” and sort of “concept car show” for clothes they want to make a splash and they know they are showing to the jaded seen it all fashion industry.

  6. This is not street fashion, aka “ready to wear,” it’s haute couture. Just goofy “art” for art’s sake. Regardless, people should wear whatever they want. Fabric is not gendered.

  7. Garments for men that are not trousers include kilts, togas and sarongs. All are cool and comfortable to wear. Men need to get over the current limits to their clothing choices. Though some of these fashions seem a bit silly, compare them with the idiotic garments that get paraded by women. They are not relevant to real life.

  8. Art & Fashion students create this rubbish while being funded by tax payers who don’t want it, and will never buy it.

  9. Not only are those the ugliest clothes I’ve ever seen, but those are also the creepiest models! This stuff is horrible. Abigail waste of time, money & common sense.

  10. I have never seen a single (or married for that matter) man dressed in clothing of this type. I will admit that I live in the USA and have never been to Europe where apparently this is how some of the men dress according to movies. I will take my man in pants… thank you. Thank God for the USA!

  11. @June 4 Anonymous: I live in Europe and I can assure you that no one I know or have seen on the street dresses like this either. Movies are not reality. Most US movies show people living in gigantic mansions. Is this how most USAsians live?

  12. I also live in Europe and wouldn’t dream of leaving the house in anything as plain and unadventurous as the garments shown!

  13. Why don’t you ever see anyone wearing what the people on the runway are wearing? Aren’t there any rich people with bad taste?

  14. These are extreme examples but the fundamental truth is that there is no reason why men shouldn’t wear skirts or dresses. It’s been nothing but a ridiculous social construct in the west for the last 200 years. The skirt is about the oldest item of clothing in existence which men wore until the victorians came along and decided that what was manly was the boring suit. Clothes are clothes, they have no gender and men like women can and should wear whatever they want. If you don’t like a man wearing a skirt or dress ask yourself why.

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