58 thoughts on “Men’s Fashion 2021 Collection”

  1. Most of them look like someone slipped something into their punch and they woke up in an abandoned warehouse dressed that way. Except for Legolas….. he has the forlorn look of someone who’s aunt made them a rain….uh…outfit.

  2. Wow is this the paedo’s fashion show The Cabal now have a fashion Line Sheesh these poor dudes. Do you really think anyone will buy any of it ? No .. its weird .. its wrong its actually perverted

  3. OMG! I get the idea that they are just going for shock value with these. Every year they get weirder and weirder…… I’ve never seen a celebrity or a rich person wearing something like this.

  4. The little skinny dude in all white looks like he is kept chained up in a basement with a filthy mattress to sleep on, given barely any food or water, and was only let out to be put on display.

    which leaves one to wonder… were these men kidnapped as children and then abused and these fashion shows are just a way of continuing the abuse?

  5. This “fashion” comes from the jews. They intend to transform the Men into women so nobody would oppose them! Is quite logica!

  6. Omg!! Seriously!!! Someone needs to cut back on the acid and get their brain back. Wear is this world going? Its amazing how stupider humans get year after year.

  7. They all look so sad and defeated. I wonder if they questioned their career choices after this?

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  9. I never realized the correlation between mental illness & fashion design till now. When WW3 starts they will be easy to decipher.

  10. Ok, either these guys lost a bet or their designers are testing the limit of what can be considered clothes.

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  12. I see most of us have a negative feeling toward these outfits. However, these are designed to be more artistic and evoke certain emotions or convey certain messages, and designers work hard to create such daring unusual looks. As a fashion designer, I learn a lot from these works, and creating it is pushes us further to the future.


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