9 Non-Threatening Leadership Strategies For Women

Illustrator Sarah Cooper has created a brilliant leadership guide for women. Hopefully it will help you to achieve the ultimate career success. If you value this advice, you should also check out her bestseller How To Be Successful Without Hurting Men’s Feelings which has the full collection of non-threatening leadership strategies for women.

Non-threatening leadership strategy for women.

Non-threatening leadership strategy for women.

Non-threatening leadership strategy for women.

Non-threatening leadership strategy for women.

Non-threatening leadership strategy for women.

Non-threatening leadership strategy for women.

Non-threatening leadership strategy for women.

Non-threatening leadership strategy for women.

Non-threatening leadership strategy for women.

If you enjoyed these highly effective strategies, you should check out the full list by getting How To Be Successful Without Hurting Men’s Feelings book on Amazon.

22 thoughts on “9 Non-Threatening Leadership Strategies For Women”

  1. I hope that these are a parody. No successful manager (male or female) would ever use these strategies.

  2. These aren’t really a parody. It’s what most women have to deal with every damn day whether at work or at home or in public. We’re taught – either directly or indirectly – to not “upset” men, so learning to have confidence in your thought process and abilities and present yourself with assertion and expectation of proper follow-through (and accept being called a bitch for it) is a nearly constant effort. And it can be exhausting.

  3. One of the best things about my second wife is that she is entirely direct. She had that reputation in her thirty years as an attorney, and she still is now. I am confident that if she says something, she means it without an attempt to placate my ego. I am the same way. It’s one of the big reasons why we were attracted to each other initially. Neither is playing games with the other.

  4. So sad that I have used all of these in my corporate life…. having to manage the egos of the men I worked with. I hope things have changed now. Though I suspect that women everywhere, sting a little when they see one they’ve done still.

  5. Then women smile, sulk and destroy your career with a whisper campaign of lies. Interesting how ever study shows women hate working with women.

  6. This is bullsh!t. It’s got nothing to do with how men take it. It’s just about being polite. You should never say “you’re wrong”, you just say “i’m not sure this is exactly right!”, then you say why you think that.
    #1 Non-Threatening is what i would do anyway, #2 “Threatening” is fine as is, #3 “Hi, could you please…”, #4 “Oh, that’s exactly what I was trying to say!”, #5 “Oh sorry, I don’t think that’s very appropriate!”, #6 “I’m with you on that one!”, #7 Non-Threatening, Jesus it was probably an honest mistake, #8 hurr durr, #9 That’s actually funny but I’d say “I don’t think that strategy will solve our problem because …”
    This can all be condensed to #0 Learn some basic manners.

  7. More woke bs. Stop looking at the world as an oppressor/oppressed dichotomy. Most people are just trying to get through the day. I’ve had male/female/gay bosses throughout my 30 year career, and the good ones are good and the bad ones are bad. It’s personality and temperament not misogyny/misandry/whateverphobia that is the determinant.

    Stop playing intersectional bingo and get back to the Golden Rule: Treat others as you would wish to be treated. Period.

  8. I think some of the guys here are missing the point. Yes, some of the described situations are just a matter of politeness, but this exactly the thin line that a woman has to deal with all of the time. A man can just talk without overthinking it, a woman has to formulate her words carefully. And often deal with absurdities which most men never experience.
    In general, the idea that a woman in management should be non-threatening, while a man is appreciated for being assertive is ‚sad and useless‘ for both men and women.

  9. “I think some of the guys here are missing the point.”
    What… are you going to womansplain it to us??

    “A man can just talk without overthinking it.”
    Are you kidding? This is not the 70s. One misstep, and guys are toast. The woke have laid out so many landmines that normal interactions are fraught with danger. Legs too far apart? “Manspreading.” Try to explain your rationale? “Mansplaining.” Don’t care for an idea that happens to come from… a woman? “Misogynist.” …a gay man? “Homophobic.” …a POC? “Racist.” God help you if you’re an e-e-evilll middle-aged white guy.

  10. This has nothing whatsoever to do with being female as a middle manager. It is no different for a male in the same role. It is just basics about what attetude you can display if you want office workers to willingly work for you.

  11. Calm down, Abby Normal. Your Proud Boys meeting is next week, you can rant then. :-P

  12. started off with #1 with a reaction of, “yeah… okay” and ended up with the last one realizing it’s a parody. so i went back to #1 and started over. it was enlightening.

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