Designing a bathroom doesn’t sound all that difficult – all you need is a toilet, a sink, and a shower or a tub. How difficult can it really be? Well, turns out it’s not as easy as one might think because some designers still manage to mess up spectacularly and create bathroom designs that are so bad, they’re hilarious. These funny bathroom pictures are proof that some people should do anything but designing bathrooms. What the hell were they thinking?!
If you gotta go, you gotta go
Following the coronation, we can now fully appreciate what it means to ascend the throne.
I have anxiety dreams I live in a house like that
I was not amused.
These have been posted hundreds of times…. here.
Some of those are rather disturbing
I laughed way too hard at the toilet and tub in the kitchen. Just try imagining making dinner while someone is taking a dump.
Yes, posted many times here. Still amusing seeing the shitchen
I would have liked the toilets facing each other when the kids were little. We used to have great conversations when one of us was on the can. Imagine if we could be in a “business” state of mind at the same time!
crapper in the kitchen WILL add some aromatics to the borscht,
hopefully not flavour tho’.
that mermaid though