Women Who Don’t Understand Eyebrows

Who would have thought that eyebrows are so complicated? These poor women did their best trying to figure them out, but failed miserably…

Funny eyebrows fail.

Funny eyebrows fails.

Funny eyebrows fails.

Funny eyebrows fail.

Funny eyebrows fails.

Funny eyebrows fails.

Funny eyebrows fails.

Funny eyebrows fails.

Funny eyebrows fails.

Funny eyebrows fails.

Funny eyebrows fails.

Funny eyebrows fails.

Funny eyebrows fails.

Funny eyebrows fails.

Funny eyebrows fails.

Funny eyebrows fails.

Funny eyebrows fails.

Funny eyebrows fail.

Funny eyebrows fails.

Funny eyebrows fails.

Funny eyebrows fail.

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25 thoughts on “Women Who Don’t Understand Eyebrows”

  1. The little girl isn’t funny. The adults all made conscious decisions – it looks like these are either the child’s natural eyebrows or perhaps something happened. Regardless, you need to remove the child who is quite lovely.

  2. Aren’t we all supposed to pretend that they’re all beautiful and quite normal these days? “Who are we to judge?” and all that?

    Face it: pretending freaks are normal is not helping anyone.

  3. Some of them look like just over zealous plucking…and I agree, leave the little girl out of it. Even if she did it herself, she’s a kid…. As to the others, some of them look like they don’t get make-up in general, not JUST eyebrows. lol

  4. No, the little girl looks like she shaved 😂 She will look back one day in horror

  5. Who’s the little girl you all speak of? Surely sadanduseless hasn’t bowed to reader pressure?!

  6. The little girl, you mean the one by the sea? Some of the others are not much older, I guess? Anyway somehow it’s a funny thread.. Don’t be so serious..

  7. Agree with other comments about the young girl. She looks to be about twelve or thirteen and shouldn’t be included. Most of them just make me sad because they look like they might be mentally ill, not just lacking makeup application skills.

  8. I do my eyebrows thick and i think this is why this news add was geared toward me as my phone sees my face for identification.

  9. I like the eyebrows on the girl in black with the octopus cameo pin. She has one squiggle eyebrow going up and one frowning down. It makes her look witchy and cute. Sort of Dadaesque.

  10. I wouldn’t judge about some of these women too fast. I myself for example am suffering from body dysmorphia and am not able to see myself the way I look. I actually don’t have the slightest clue how my eyebrows look but am obsessing over them everyday for that very reason which lead to overplugging them without even beeing aware of it. I wish I was like every normal human beeing and could see what my face looks like but I will never know for show. Maybe some of them are having similar issues

  11. English women are the worst. Its not that they cant do them properly, theyre just idiots looking for attention.
    Dont know about anyone else, but the little girl? Hell when I was 12 I would have thought…. man that looks stupid

  12. Some are really bad and clueless, no question; while others, may not be my style, but you can tell they made an artistic choice, are aware of what they are doing and executed it well- they’re not going for a normal looking brow. I say more power to them…why not have fun with your look.
    Also, leave the kid with braces out of this equation- everyone deserves to grow up w/ out being mocked and bullied, even if they shaved their eyebrows off or whatever. There’s a legal drinking age, driving age and voting age, there should be a legal mocking age too. Or better yet, what if we didn’t mock anyone? gasp!

  13. The cat eared woman and the kid need to be taken out. The cat costume is no doubt for character effect probably for Halloween. Looks like the weirdness is intentional. And the kid:. I remember being that age and plucking the hell out of my brows to such an extent that it looked as bad. Leave the kid alone

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