Movies Merged Together To Create Funny Movie Scenes

Have you ever wondered what would happen if The Joker and Ace Ventura were in one movie? What if Jack Sparrow replaced Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic? No? Well, this Hungarian artist has, and he created these funny edits to show us what that would look like. Scroll down to check out the best exapmples!

Movie scenes mashed together.

Movie scenes mashed together.

Movie scenes mashed together.

Movie scenes mashed together.

Movie scenes mashed together.

Movie scenes mashed together.

Movie scenes mashed together.

Movie scenes mashed together.

Movie scenes mashed together.

Movie scenes mashed together.

Movie scenes mashed together.

Movie scenes mashed together.

Movie scenes mashed together.

Movie scenes mashed together.

Movie scenes mashed together.

Movie scenes mashed together.

Movie scenes mashed together.

Movie scenes mashed together.

Movie scenes mashed together.

Movie scenes mashed together.

Movie scenes mashed together.

Movie scenes mashed together.

Movie scenes mashed together.

Movie scenes mashed together.

Movie scenes mashed together.

6 thoughts on “Movies Merged Together To Create Funny Movie Scenes”

  1. Sorry, but these are just not funny. It‘s not hurtful, it’s not bad tasted, it’s just not good.

  2. I *love* the Cocaine Bear! It’s perfect.
    I didn’t get the Back to the Future one. Who is the guy falling out of the car?

  3. TEA: I didn’t get the Back to the Future one. Who is the guy falling out of the car?
    May be James Dean?


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