Photographer Captures Hilarious Expressions Pulled by Dogs as They Go For a Run

From popping eyes to lolling tongues, Nick Ridley has managed to perfectly pause the pooches in time as they pull a host of funny faces in the great outdoors. Nick uses a fast shutter speed and lies on the ground snapping away as the dogs run towards him in order to get the perfect shot. Scroll down to see the best examples.

Derpy faced dog.

Funny running dog.

Funny derpy faced running dog.

Funny hairy beast running.

Funny running dog.

Happy running dog.

Funny fat running pug.

Funny wet dog.

Flying dogs are real!

Happy white running dog.

Happy running dog.

Creepy or funny? I can't decide.

Funny wet dog.

Happy dog enjoying the outdoors.

Funny or scary? I can't decide...

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