Unusually Scented Soap Bars

Steering clear of conventional scents like jasmine or lavender, “Whiskey River Soap Co.” invites you to lather up with refreshing scents like Introverts, Hipsters, Midlife Crisis, Awkward Moments, Online Dating, and many more. Might be the perfect gift for a person you low-key hate or for someone with a good sense of humor. Available on Amazon or their own website store.

Unusually scented soap bar.

Unusually scented soap bar.

Soap for f**king meetings.

Soap for hipsters.

Soap for awkward moments.

Unusually scented soap bar.

Unusually scented soap bar.

Unusually scented soap bar.

Unusually scented soap bar.

Unusually scented soap bar.

Unusually scented soap bar.

Unusually scented soap bar.

Unusually scented soap bar.

Unusually scented soap bar.

Unusually scented soap bar.

Unusually scented soap bar.

Unusually scented soap bar.

Unusually scented soap bar.

Can't blame you.

Unusually scented soap bar.

Unusually scented soap bar.

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