This Cafe In Germany Gives Customers Hats With Pool Noodles To Keep Them Apart

A German cafe “Café Rothe Schwerin” recently restarted its business by serving the customers outside.  It also made sure to space out the tables by 1.5m (4.9 feet) to keep some distance between the customers, which is what every restaurant ought to do. However, the owner went the extra mile and came up with an ingenious idea to make sure the patrons keep their distance – pool noodles! Yup, you read that right. The business is using pool noodles attached to customers’ hats to help them with social distancing!

Proper social distancing.

Social distancing done right!

Proper social distancing.

Pool noodle hats for social distancing.

Pool noodle hats for social distancing.

German social distancing hat.

By the way, pool noodles work great not only on misbehaving people, but on misbehaving goats too. However the owner of this cafe Jacqueline Rothe clarified that this was a one-time event only for the reopening of the cafe and the guests won’t have to wear the hats regularly.

6 thoughts on “This Cafe In Germany Gives Customers Hats With Pool Noodles To Keep Them Apart”

  1. That’s idiotic. So i have to put on my head someone else’s sweat, and that’s hygienic, sure

  2. Putting the guests 6′ apart is for their safety. Making them wear stupid hats is for humiliation. I’d sooner piss on their buffet.

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