Woman Gets a Maternity Photo Shoot With Her Thesis And All Students Relate

It’s that time of year again when so many students around the world are handing in their graduation thesis: an achievement that shows the knowledge they gained during the years spent studying and allows students to finally reap the reward of their hard work. To commemorate this important milestone, some students are getting creative. Recently, a 26-year-old grad student, Sarah Whelan Curtis, stole the spotlight online by doing a hilarious maternity photo shoot after finally “giving birth” to her thesis.

Yes, I did a photo shoot with my thesis. Longest labor ever. #phdlife

Student "giving birth" to her thesis.

Student "giving birth" to her thesis.

Student "giving birth" to her thesis.

She is doing her Ph.D. at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia recently finished her thesis on epigenetics that took her 4 years to write. Her photos quickly went viral with many students relating to the idea of comparing writing a thesis to a very long labor. Sarah received a lot of praise and prompted graduate students to share photos of their own “babies”:

Me birthing my undergrad dissertation 3 years ago!

Congratulations! I am into the 66th month of labour and expecting soon.

Ugh the last forty months are the hardest.


So cute. Savour these early times. Later there will be citations all over.

I guess it's too soon to ask, but do you think you could ever have another?

What, no gender reveal?

That loving look the thesis gives right back at you...

Congrats! Is it true that you forgot all about the pain once you had that lil bundle in your arms?

Alabama to pass a law that prohibits tossing away ideas on paper because it is a form of abortion.


It's beautiful! those binder clips, so lovely. you must be very proud.

I meant to do a PhD baby blanket, but never got past knitting the central panel...

Hope you're not going through postpartum blues.

Enjoy it while it's new. Mine is 35 years old and somewhat of a disappointment. I actually have no idea where it is.

3 thoughts on “Woman Gets a Maternity Photo Shoot With Her Thesis And All Students Relate”

  1. It looks a little underweight the thesis. Feeding it with more non social media might render much more measurable and accurate results wchich actually might be usefelul and enjoyable.

  2. I’m sure there have been MANY premature births which were not viable. I’ve heard that smoking marijuana during development phase reduces birth weight by around eight-ounces.

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