If you ever wished to travel across the United States of America, you probably have a good idea of what places you’d visit. While most would aim for capital cities and urban giants like NYC, Las Vegas, or San Francisco, there are some lesser known, but interesting places to add into your list. Click on each picture to open exact Google Maps location.
Protection, Kansas, USA
Horseheads, New York?
F**king, Austria
Scratch Ankle, Alabama
Burnt Corn, Alabama
You need a Canadian version. Start on the East Coast with Dildo, Newfoundland and work your way across the country!!
Dildo, Newfoundland.
That is all.
Spread Eagle, Wisconsin
Truth or Consequences, New Mexico
Innaloo, Perth
Cockburn, Perth
Intercourse, PA
Blue Ball, PA
Climax, PA
Bald Knob, AR
Goobertown, AR
Red Onion, AR
Hot Coffee, MS
Rooty Hill, Sydney
Batman, Turkey
What Cheer, IA
Peculiar, Missouri
Hell, Michigan
Need coordinates of all these places :-)
Dingle, Idaho. Athole, Idaho (Ath-ole not At-hole)
Tightwad and Racket are two towns that are right next to each other in central Missouri… how do i know? my relatives are from the area…
Wagon Tire, OR
Not quite as funny, but in Virginia there is a place called “Double Tollgate” and another one called “Burnt Factory” and there used to be a place called “Fort Nonsense” but I don’t know if it’s there any more.
Climax, Michigan
Sugartit, Kentucky
Weed, California.
Horn, Norway
Rabbit Hash, Kentucky
Joe, Montana
Bug Tussle, Oklahoma
Toad Suck, Arkansas
Conetoe, NC
North, South Carolina
Crapo, Maryland
Bucksnort, Tennessee
What about F**KING in Austria? Not kidding.
Baby Head, Texas (home of the Baby Head Cemetery)
Yeehaw Junction, Florida
George, Washington
Cumby, TX
Gnaw Bone, IN
Skidoo Calif. 36.4355592,-117.1554248 (Death Valley National Park)
Chloride, AZ
There’s a place called Random Lake
That’s exactly what I was going to say! (we are sitting right next to each other). I was the one that found it.
Santa Claus, GA
buzzard’s bay, ma