The Dumbest Donald Trump Quotes: Remembering The Stable Genius

Are you looking for the stupid, dumb, funny, and the most absurd things the great chairman Donald Trump have ever said? Well, you have come to the right place, because he has been an endless source of idiocy trough the years and we have plenty to share.

"My fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has been well documented, are various other parts of my body."

"I went to the Wharton School of Business... I'm, like, a really smart person."

"It has not been easy for me. And, you know, I started off in Brooklyn. My father gave me a small loan of a million dollars."

"...she does have a very nice figure. I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her."

"it really doesn't matter what the media write as long as you've got a young, and beautiful, piece of ass."

"It's freezing and snowing in New York - we need global warming!"

"A person who is very flat-chested is very hard to be a 10."

"They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

"The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive."

"I'm not a big fan of the email stuff."

"I look very much forward to showing my financials, because they are huge."

"Why are we having all these people from shithole countries coming here?"

On breastfeeding mothers: "You are disgusting."

"Despite the constant negative press covfefe"

"If Hillary Clinton can't satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy America?"

"All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me - consciously or unconsciously. That's to be expected."

"My wife says I'm the biggest star in the world. But she might just be saying that because she's intelligent."

"I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke."

"The worst thing a man can do is go bald. Never let yourself go bald."

"I think I am actually humble. I think I'm much more humble than you would understand."

"Apologizing is a great thing but you have to be wrong. I will absolutely apologize sometime hopefully in the distant future if I'm ever wrong."

If you enjoyed this collection, you will also like Stupid Jean-Claude Van Damme Quotes and Borderline Insane Kanye West Quotes, but honestly… they’ve got nothing compared to the great leader himself: the brilliant Donald Trump.

279 thoughts on “The Dumbest Donald Trump Quotes: Remembering The Stable Genius”

  1. How can it be that in this day and age of free education, facts at the stroke of a key, listening to this idiot and his lies is possible? Where do these idiots live? Knowing some people are so stupid that they buy all his bullshit actually live in this country is so scary. And they think themselves as the superior race? Laughable. Gullible, fools. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Buti will double lock my doors.

  2. trump is A Truly Degenerate creature and a Dangerously insane little “man”.
    It’s Chilling to think how much More Damage he will do to our Country
    if he is allowed to continue vomiting lies that Equity Degenerate citizens
    believe even with Glaring Facts to the contrary.
    I used to believe we as Rational thinking human beings were better than THIS
    But the orange creeps supporters and his Rotten cronies in his administration
    and those otherwise beholden to the PIG have taught me a Very SAD TRUTH!
    America is NOT BETTER THAN the SCUM in the Oval Office and we Deserve
    what we got !

  3. Go Trump 2020!!!! Now that’s OUR President – oh! He’s yours too like it or not!!! ha ha ha LOOKS like 4 more wonderful years.

  4. Do you really think serious people care if makes wise cracks. So he’s a comedian, so what! Only problem is we will only have him for four more years.

  5. He is an ignorant sleezy slimeball with no morals whatsoever.. The only God he worships is Mammon. How Americans can put up with this lying evil man is beyond comprehension.

  6. Sometimes I wonder if this is all a very bad dream that I will awaken from, all cold and sweaty, relieved that it was just my silly subconscious conjuring up some rediculous impossible horror story. It’s just sooo hard to comprehend that donald trump could actually be occupying our oval office. The pathetic excuse of a human being that will publically say anything that comes to his mind, with no basis in facts and blaring evidence to the contrary. How is it possible that this country has let this happen? NOT MY PRESIDENT! Never has been, never will be!

  7. So Mike Bloomberg spent five hundred million and has nothing to show for it? That means he’s only worth 65.5 billion now. Believe me ,if I had 66 billion dollars ,I would gladly spend my ‘ pocket change’ for a chance to spit in that arrogant pricks face. Just sayin.

  8. Tell Donald this is not a reality show. It is real and things have consequences. You are the president, not an actor playing a reality show president.

  9. I think most people are missing something key here. This is Mitch McConnell’s monster. He is allowing and controlling all of this. Mitch and his Republican cronies could change Trumps’ behavior quickly if they wanted to. Perhaps this is Mitchs’ kind of revenge for 8 years of Obama… who he hated of course. Imagine if the House and Senate were majority Democrat… would we then see a different Donald Trump? Or would he self destruct?

  10. I am convinced that McConnell has done more to hurt our Constitution, with precedents hat will take decades to repair. Our Founding Fathers were highly concerned that Presidents would amass too much power, so they created separate, but equal powers—but expected Congress to jealously protect their power. McConnell gave Trump power over the Senate majority, Congress is required to investigate—and we see Mitch refuse to investigate or to be a fair juror. And, he has consistently refused to bring, even bipartisan bills to the floor—without Trump’s full approval.

  11. He is the ring master of the circus surrounded by all of his clowns. He will be remembered as the biggest idiot ever to enter the office of the President of the United States. He has divided the country, he has invited all those closet racists to come out into the open and spew their hatred. These cowards are ignorant, uneducated and are always blaming other people for their misfortunes. Oh yea they like Trump because as a con man he feeds garbage into their heads, and they think that because he is the President his views and ideas are correct. He is an empty headed piece of garbage. Get rid of this quack, and send him and his circus to another planet, Mars would be great.

  12. as we have been living in covid times, the president never allows the focus of any speaking opportunity to be about the health crisis, rather repeatedly reference past financial ‘statistics/victories’ and future ‘financial situations’.

    in this time of health crisis, I for one would appreciate he stop grandstanding with his financial agendas and allow the information relative to our country’s health come first… I have never seen a president speak (or try to speak) to a topic that is not his area of expertise. SHUT UP DUDE – let the experts speak…

    I have watch both CNN and FOX and both tell different sides of the same story, by carefully omitting pieces of the whole story.

    the American public has been watching…
    the American public is not stupid…
    the American public will remember any and all lies by either political party

    be safe and be well…

    fauci Rocks! I am so glad he is speaking the truths we all collectively need to hear

  13. During a international meeting four Doctors were talking big.
    The German doctor said:”we had to save a man, so cut a piece of the liver of a healthy person and implanted it into the sick man. He was able to look for a job withing 6 weeks”.

    The French doctor said: We had the same, only the man had troubles with his hart, so we cut a piece of hart out of a healthy woman and put it into the body of the sick man…… four weeks and he could start searching for a job”.

    The Chinese doctor said:” You all work on a very high level, last week we could implant a piece of brains into another mans head, yesterday he found a new job.

    The American doctor said, “Well……we have a man without brains, no hart and no liver, he is our president, and all the people of the USA are looking for another job now…Me Too……”.

  14. Donald trump is a complete embarrassment for the American people(most of them anyway) he is a lost in his own ego and thrives on his position of power, get rid of him usa the world is laughing at you

  15. Come on American voters, vote for the one who can won from trump. If you chose for Biden…..fine, voting for Sanders even so fine. You know…….Biden and Sanders will not last long. And the next president will be the vice-president of either Biden or Sanders……./who or whatever (man or woman) it is, everything is better than the present president. The leaders of the Rep’s and Dem’s will die soon.
    Let the younger people control the world, it is about time to switch over to the younger people. I am 67 Years old and have seen a lot of wrong things until now by too old leaders.

  16. Trump is making America look so sad and pathetic where most of the world looked up to America now we just jaugh because if you believe all the crap that comes out of his mouth you must be thick or just plain stupid

  17. He doesn’t know right from wrong, good from bad, truth from friction. He doesn’t understand who he works for and he doesn’t understand the consequences of his actions. He is by far the very worst president this nation has ever had. It is so hard to believe that there were enough pathetically ignorant voters to have voted him in. Biden’s supporters should make a video of Trump’s gaffes and run it nonstop from now until the election. Anyone with half a brain could not possibly vote for that idiot.

  18. Sadly, trump is just the orange pusulant head of a gigantic cyst which is the republican party. You have to remove them all.
    America is a hair’s width away from losing the republic.

  19. I’ve just watched an news article on the news where professionals was voicing their opinions on trump and his false information , how on earth can it be allowed for someone no matter what position they are in and get away with addressing 300 million people and telling them basically that it’s ok to take an unproved certain drug with covid because he thinks it might be a cure !!!
    This guy is a fool and his actions that has killed the American man and probably woman should be held to account.
    Vote this guy out American ,he’s the laughing stock of the world

  20. You know something? realizing he will be off as a president someday, in 2021 or after another 4 years in 2025, and being a normal civilian again. What is going to happen with all the people he insulted the last 4 years?All the crimes he supported. There are to many people wanting revenge…. I am sure he is going to have a very, very bad time as soon he out of function……something will take place!

  21. Let us do some calculations, 21nd of January we have the first corona case in America. We are now the 9th of April, it means more or less 6 weeks for 364.000 Americans with the virus.
    We have 326.625.791 Americans living in the US. It gives us 326.625.791/364.000=897 periods of 6 weeks corona virus troubles. So: 897 periods of 6 weeks, divided by 52 weeks is in total 103 years left till every American can resist the virus. Assuming trump is going to handle the war against corona, he will be 173 years in charge as Potus.

    Nice, isn’t it?

  22. I have had a vision last night. A SWAT team entering the white house to get him removed…… in January 2021.

  23. Quote 5 about the Mexicans…..There is something more. Building the wall means Mexico do not have to take care of all the american criminals who want to escape to Mexico. They can’t. Good point for Mexico, because the wall is paid by the US.

  24. Pathological Liar, Narcissist, Egomaniac, Sociopath, Vindictive, Devisive, Bully, Autocratic, Whiner, Con Man, Hypocrite, Idiot, Misogynist, Xenophobe, Bigot, Conspiracy Theorist, Cheater, Adulterer, Cruel, Paranoid, Sore Loser, Insensitive, etc, etc.

  25. Trump will never win reelection, are you people idiots? He is truly sad and useless, and lets add a killer. His neglecting the headline announcements that a virus was moving around the planet, he took action alright, he sold all our PPE from the stockpile to China, Thialand, and who knows who else. Moron, dangerous moron.

  26. To those people who think most Americans elected trump, you must have forgotten the Mueller Report. For the few who actually did read it, there is absolutely no doubt that the Russians helped him win, he helped the Russians with that and he must owe them big. No wonder he is selling the country down the toilet.

  27. If you Democrats do not get out in November in huge numbers, then you are as much to blame as the Republican chicken-shit corrupt Trumpians! iT’S TIME TO NOT BLAME them…BLAME YOURSELVES! no excuses! They are beyond help…but you are not! JUST DO IT!

  28. Covid-19 is the second greatest recent pandemic to reach the U.S. Trump is by far the greatest pandemic to affect the U.S. ever! In the end, he will be responsible for more deaths and misery than any natural disease…because Trump is an unnatural disease affecting all of America…there is no anti-viral for his sickness…..the cure is much more simple….please, my fellow PROUD PEOPLE OF THE THIS GREAT LAND…..let us exterminate this hideous disease forever and let a lesson be learned to never repeat this insanity and let our beutiful country be respected once again! Let us wake up from this nightmare!


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