Parents Are Sharing All The Hilariously Absurd Reasons Why Their Kids Cry

Although it might seem that someone is about to die, the kid just isn’t allowed to eat the cat food. Or throw books at her parent’s faces. Or any of the other absurd reasons why kids decide to show their skills on how to cry. Isn’t it awesome to be a parent? It is. It really is.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

100 thoughts on “Parents Are Sharing All The Hilariously Absurd Reasons Why Their Kids Cry”

  1. Absolutely priceless….couldn’t pick a favourite….although…demised cheese stick is probaly my top pick!! Thanks parents for giving us a laugh!

  2. A major session because, while I was pretending to be a dog, I wouldn’t allow myself to be put outside the caravan.

  3. i would just posit that the reason these pictures are all of white kids is possibly the fact that black parents are self-aware enough not to post their child’s inner turmoil on the internet for the world to mock… also the snowflakes on this site would probably complain that the crying black baby is too ‘thuggish’ or ‘probably a drug dealer/gangbanger’

  4. Those were 70 years ago. Most of them are in congress now. I think I saw Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler and Schiff.

  5. thanks 35nAlive to make this about race too. It’s my fault for reading comments about a perfect post. By the way I only saw children.

  6. Today my 5 year old son had a fit because he was trying to count to 12 but he ran out of fingers. He had to borrow two of mine.

  7. Had a little boy in pre-K many years ago who liked to suck on batteries – he tested positive for lead poisoning. I was not amused by the child who wanted to eat a battery for breakfast!

  8. Good god, you people who just can’t sit back and find the sublime and natural humor here.. lighten up wankers!!!

  9. Jorge espinha thank you for your post, i too only saw children, some seriously messed up people around eh

  10. Daughter in absolute hysterics. Her sister told her she didn’t have any arms. She has two, one on each side of her body.

  11. Find the joy, people. These are priceless and sweet – and they tug on the heartstrings of all parents.

  12. This became about race because it did not include anyone other then white children. I wonder if you would still find it relatable if it were all black children. What most of you are missing is the fact that this is just one of many examples of POC not being included in something that yes absolutely should be relatable, but instead are not represented at all. This happens in commercials, movies, tv ads so on. Over time its like death by a thousand paper cuts. It is hurtful…and if you are a POC it is something we see and feel instantly. The fact that people are saying all these kids are relatable, is a beautiful thing, but that’s not being shown. Which is sad because it would have been really easy to do. I know tons of you are gonna disagree with what I am saying…all I ask is that you disagree respectfully, and also for just one moment put yourself in the shoes of POC and ask yourself if you feel you are represented positively by comparison to Whites? The world def is getting better at this in ads abd television and so on, which is great. But this fun post and yes! This article was hilarious and cute…but as a POC I instantly felt the sting of not being invited to the party. Will I live? Hell yes. LoL but I also no longer will be quiet when I notice these things because believe it or not, this sends out a subliminal idea…I know I know its just one article, but again, you have to raise the question. Stay blessed everyone.

  13. “Just Speaking from the heart“, you are absolutely correct. Inclusiveness is extremely important and I am sorry that you did not see Persons of Colour represented in this photo display. We should be doing better at making sure that our media and entertainment are representing the world as it truly is, diverse. Diversity is what makes us strong and beautiful and should be fully represented in all facets of our lives.

  14. I was totally waiting for at least one photo that was of a brown skinned child..only so I could say to myself..yes it happens to babies of all backgrounds.. I hate having to point this out because its cute and funny and made me giggle but was it relatable to me?..not in the sense of inclusion of those photos and yes I am a parent who has been through similar tantrums with my child.

  15. I was really enjoying this until I saw all the jacked up negative posts. Especially the one making this a racial issue. All I saw was children. Thanks for ruining the joy.

  16. To all: I think this is a good opportunity to “listen without judgement”….I, too, enjoyed the post and my joy was not lessened by POC who shared their feelings about not being represented. It only gave me more more understanding and sensitivity of what it must be like to be a POC. Reminded me of the few times when I have felt excluded in life which doesn’t happen to me on a regular and daily basis since I am white. Those times of being excluded were heart rending because it hurt and sometimes hurt deeply. Dear POCs – thank you for sharing and I will be more sensitive because of you.

  17. Nobody is ruining the joy by pointing out that none of the kids included were poc. The post is funny and it gave us all a laugh but everyone should be included or represented. Because this happens to everyone, not just white kids and whites parents. If you want to be inclusive then everyone needs to be represented. It doesn’t make the post any less funny.

  18. The kid upset about the flushing has an absolutely valid point. Everyone knows you say goodbye first!!

  19. I thought this was so adorable, then I go down here and people are complaining about racial representation when this was obviously taken off a reddit thread or some place where people post their own photos. My ethnicity isn’t represented here, so what. I wouldn’t even have thought about it if I didn’t read the comments. We are a smaller minority group than black or mixed people and we aren’t put in every fashion magazine and TV series. (In fact, I have yet to see it happen at all.) So while I wasn’t bothered before, now I am bothered, because there are people of other ethnicities out there that people don’t even think about. Nobody writes about us in the news and if they do occasionally, it’s something bad. Not to turn this into the oppression Olympics, but come on now. The internet is international and doesn’t owe visibility to anyone. If you can speak English and have internet access then you can submit a photo like this and take part.

  20. As a parents / grandparents / aunts and uncles we have all been there .. and we crack up at those memories

  21. Fun post.Pathetic that people raise colour issues.Im watching tipping point and they all white shall I switch channels?

  22. Could it be that the reason why they are all white is because white people learned to laugh at themselves? Also, if they did add a coloured family, you’d say it was racist that they would show a crybaby of colour.

  23. I’m black. And my 4 year old son wanted to open the car door when we were driving so he could watch the wheels on the car go round and round…on the freeway….he wasn’t happy when we said no…then my 3 year old daughter got really upset that her brother was upset because she bit him…oh and the same son with the wheels also refused to eat in his high chair but whenever I got fed up and took him down, he’d try to eat with the cat. They’re 19 and 21 now (Thank GOD !!!) and were just as annoying as all toddlers of all ethnicities !!

  24. If you’re not seeing your children reflected in this post and you’d like to be included, my suggestion is, make your own collection of 10 other children in tantrums, that do look like you.
    I’d read your post and chuckle at their reasons for crying just the same, and we’d have double the entertainment. Win/win

  25. If I was a POC i wouldn’t be upset that my children weren’t represented among a group of spoilt brats throwing tantrums.

  26. I thought it’s only children from a comfortable middle class to upper class background who are in these clips. I’m possibly wrong. I have been known to be wrong!
    I thought that those who are from needy backgrounds are more grateful for what they get, or cry because they are cold and hungry.
    But still I found the humour of these photos, without politicizing them, is most entertaining.
    There’s no need to takeep offense when none is intended. Make posts of children of other races doing the same thing (if that would be culturally appropriate). At least we can laugh at ourselves.

  27. As a mom I have been through the crying fits. It is funny to watch a toddler try to cope with his unfounded saddness. If you don’t see the humor you will loose your mind or worse get angry at your child. I would find humor in any child going through this. It doesn’t matter the color of their skin. I wish race wasn’t an issue but if it is…send in your videos, i’d love to see them.

  28. The reasons are funny. Seeing little kids grapple with the huge feelings that come with understanding the world and those feelings is poignant, maybe. It’s not necessarily anything to do with being spoiled, it’s developmental.

    The fact that POC aren’t represented is absolutely something the makers of collections like this should be aware of and address. It’s absolutely ok to point out exclusion and wish for inclusion.

    As for people who ‘just saw children, not colour’ is there a chance that the reason for that is because the children *look like you*?

  29. If you leave a comment about the lack of different colored children then you are what’s wrong with the world today. Go back and scroll through the pics, go ahead, I’ll wait. Did you notice none of those children are the same color? They’re all different shades. Shocking I know but we are all different shades of brown from the darkest near black to the almost white among us. So all of you complaining are basically saying none of these children are the right shade for you. That is about as racists as it gets. “This post is too white!” Seriously? If you can’t simply enjoy this post, if your first thought and instinct is to judge this post by the color of these childrens skin and not the character of the theme then you seriously need to do a character check of yourself and look into your heart, find that prejudice and hate, and replace it with love.

    Btw…. Did any of you stop and think that maybe, just maybe, there weren’t any pics of darker shaded children to use because none were posted in the original source?!? Before you guys try to turn this into a whine fest of non inclusion maybe you should check the source of the memes. Spoiler alert: they can only use pics that were submitted.

    So basically, stop acting like certain races of children were purposefully left out. They weren’t. You’re just trying to race bait, stir up trouble, and cause problems. Stop being “show me girls”.

    For the record…. I’m tan, American, tanner during the summer, and damn proud of it. I’ve been turned down more than once by Hispanic women who said they only date Mexicans, I was beat down in the 8th grade because I had a crush on a black girl and her black friends warned me not to talk to her because I was white. The kid who jumped me? A black friend of mine who I talked to everyday. Racism goes both ways so you can take all that “this post isn’t inclusive enough” and shove it. I’m going to continue being color blind and loving everyone.

  30. Exposing your kids that way on the internet is utterly stupid and irresponsible. What are they going to say in a few years, when they find out, that their embarrassment can’t be undone?

  31. I could watch these all day! I like the Dad on the beach in the first one, with the wry expression on his face.

  32. My niece got mad because she wanted to go to the moon and started crying because she realized she didn’t have a rocketship to get there

  33. Kids are funny. Extremely irrational, but hey if you dont whine at something as a toddler, then you may whine about it as an adolescent. Its good they get out the irrational behaviour in early stages. Also theres no need to open a racial debate about pictures that were TAKEN from a pool of pics they had at hand. If there was asian/black/middle eastern kids uploaded, they would’ve used them. There are places to fight for diversity or inclusion – this aint one of them. And if you want your own skin color to be included – upload your own child.

  34. Lol 😂 they is like whhyyyy when their parents are rational/ can’t defy the laws of physics/ do what they ask

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