Parents Are Sharing All The Hilariously Absurd Reasons Why Their Kids Cry

Although it might seem that someone is about to die, the kid just isn’t allowed to eat the cat food. Or throw books at her parent’s faces. Or any of the other absurd reasons why kids decide to show their skills on how to cry. Isn’t it awesome to be a parent? It is. It really is.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

Kids cry for the weirdest reasons.

100 thoughts on “Parents Are Sharing All The Hilariously Absurd Reasons Why Their Kids Cry”

  1. Wow, I didn’t realize how tough it is to be rich and privileged. Poor little scions! My heart bleeds for the progeny of the overlords.

  2. 😅I can totally relate to every. single. one.

    . . . but only ‘cause I’m white.


  3. Yes I understand all this plus so many more life is hard if you are a preschooler. I am a daycare provider.

  4. Remember, the tables will turn when the “senior years” give you leeway to act just like they did as toddlers. Ah! It’s going to be great throwing a fit at Bob Evan’s when the pot roast I ordered turns out to be pot roast.

  5. I used to have a nightmare that I would flush my kid down the toilet when he was melting down…I never did…really.

  6. Just re confirms my decision not to have them as 100% the right decision. Errgh, they really are awful. Future university material, these ones are not.

  7. I’m sure I’ll think differently when I have my own children and they cry for ridiculous reasons, but these are hilarious! Kids are so extra! Some of these are weirdly relatable, though. I, too, feel a twinge of sadness when I finish eating something good and I don’t have anymore because I ate it all.

  8. I’d say I’m sorry your kids are such dumbasses, but I’m too busy laughing at your stupid crotch goblins 😂

  9. Can’t help feeling like there’s something cultural about this..
    I personally have never witnessed anything like this in my 4 siblings, 1 kid and 100+ kids I babysat in my life.
    The only tantrum like events I’ve ever seen had something to do with opposition to something that had to be done, like putting a snowsuit on, getting dressed, leaving the park because the sun was setting.. Nothing irrational like the above.
    My background is French from my mom and French Canadian from my dad. I’m pretty sure we communicate differently with our kids, and we expect respect and obedience, kids don’t rule our households. As adults, we’re super comfortable setting limits of what’s acceptable and unacceptable behavior. No bacon crisis at the supermarket here..
    Saying No is not only normal, it makes our kids trust that we are setting boundaries within which they can be safe.
    Anywho, just saying, that’s the kind of things we’d only see on a vacation south..

  10. As someone who raised 4 wonderful children, we all had days like this, and it wasn’t because we are rich (we were NOT), spoiled, or white, more likely tired, hangry, or just uncomfortable with what is going on.

  11. We experienced the beach in winter one, too – but ours jumped up as soon as we looked away and made it to the water. Still insisted that he wanted to be there, even while turning blue and shivering so hard he could hardly stand up

  12. I can totally understand being absolutely crushed when my daffodils were done blooming. There I was, laying in the front yard…howling and just generally throwing a world class performance! My husband told me to come inside before they called the police! He said that I’m too old for that type of behavior. I’m only 56… jeez! Besides those daffodils took a week to plant and they bloomed for MAYBE 5 minutes!

  13. The race comments really piss me off! What’s that got to do with anything? Kids of other races don’t get confused, don’t misunderstand, don’t get tired and hangry? These are the people who use racism to blame everything.

  14. I always loved the Mom he is breathing on me (he being the big brother sitting two feet from her).

  15. These are so cute and funny, we all have troubles but please dont throw away the joy in life.

  16. How do the children of non rich, non privileged, non white act? Lol

    And can we get some pro parenting tips from the other spectrum parents? Cause mine is growing up and he’s definitely yellow but I want to be sure he doesnt turn white.

    Ok, Thanks

  17. I once had to explain to a server in a restaurant that my daughter was crying because I told her we were going to Disney World.

  18. The other thing about this is in the book, “Connection Parenting” what the author calls “The Broken Cookie Syndrome”.

    Kids are little. they often don’t have language to tell us about what they are feeling or what they need, so they act it out with their behavior.

    It’s time for snack and a nap. The kid gets a cookie. The cookie breaks. Kid starts crying.
    “What’s the matter Honey?”
    “My cookie broke.”
    “Ok, I’ll get you a new cookie.”
    “No! I want that cookie not broke.”

    It’s not about the cookie. It’s because their hand is too small to turn the doorknob. It’s because some big kid knocked down their blocks and took their favorite toy. It’s because Daddy is out of town and didn’t read to her last night at bedtime. It’s because Mommy dropped her off at daycare at 6 AM and went to work and she really misses her and has no words to say what that is except –

    “No! I want that cookie not broke.”

    It’s not about the cookie. It’s not about swimming in the see or eating a battery for breakfast. It’s about being a little kid in a world that has no idea who you are or what you need. It’s the need for connection.

    Most people have no clue that there are entire cultures who meet little kids’ needs so well that they don’t even have a word in their language for tantrum…

  19. Imagine being so racist yourself that a series of relatable child rearing photos triggers a racist comment in itself.

  20. As a preschool teacher, I am sorry to burst the opinionated bubble of some. The behavior is typical 2-3year old behavior, there is no relation to wealth, race or gender.

  21. I think the adults responding with hateful comments are about as mature as the tired toddlers. Go whine to each other already.

  22. Two year old tears at the checkout because they had changed the colour of the wrapper on his favourite fishsticks.

  23. I can’t believe some of the stupid comments… Kids are kids and there are certain things they’re to young to understand. Like why can’t you fix a broken cookie. So they get upset…. People let kids be kids, these are moments you will treasure later in life….

  24. This is all normal. Your worst problem is your worst problem, it’s all relative, it’s how we grow.

    My 2yo daughter cries because we don’t let her kick the cat. And a million other reasons, because she doesn’t know how to deal with complex emotions yet. And that’s fine.

  25. How horrible that there are so many comments about race on here. Kids are kids and I have seen white kids and kids of color throw tantrums the same. They are so young, so emotional and have no way of really verbalizing what they are feeling so it comes out in frustration / tantrum. Shame on those of you who made it about race. Also, glad those of you who claim never wanting to have kids are not going to……I would not want you to procreate anyway.

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