This Happily Married Straight Guy Believes That Skirts And Heels Are Not Just For Women

Mark Bryan describes himself as just a straight, happily married guy that loves Porsche cars, beautiful women, and… incorporating high heels and skirts into his daily wardrobe. He almost always wears a skirt and heels while he goes to work, to the town, and even at home. And let’s just say he looks absolutely fabulous while he does.

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In his own words: “I dress like this because I can. Just to be different. I have always admired the women that wore tight skirts and heels. Not sexually, but the power they presented. I don’t dress to be sexual, but to dress like any professional woman would. To me, clothes have no gender. I prefer skirts to dresses. Dresses don’t allow me to mix the genders. I prefer a “masculine” look above the waist and a non-gendered look below the waist. It’s all about clothes having no gender.”

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Do you like this outfit?

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Do you like this outfit?

Do you like this outfit?

Do you like this outfit?

Do you like this outfit?

Do you like this outfit?

Do you like this outfit?

Do you like this outfit?

Do you like this outfit?

Do you like this outfit?

Do you like this outfit?

Do you like this outfit?

Do you like this outfit?

Do you like this outfit?

Do you like this outfit?

Do you like this outfit?

Do you like this outfit?

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What’s your take on this? Let us know in the comments below (but please keep the discussion civil).

47 thoughts on “This Happily Married Straight Guy Believes That Skirts And Heels Are Not Just For Women”

  1. I’m a happily married straigh guy too and I’ll tell you that with legs like those he’d look good in anything.

  2. I think he looks fabulous 😍 I’d wear skirts and heels too if I had legs and bum as cracking as his!😉

  3. For the reason he listed, I agree. I see nothing wrong if a man wears dress, skirts, pantyhose, ect as long as it’s for the feel and he likes the clothes. He still asserts his masculinity while dressing nicely, not to convince someone that he is female. Carry on sir, I am also straight.

  4. He does it better than most (.. be politically correct… be politically correct…) people who are “trans” or whatever who look like cartoon caracaures of rich women going to a formal gala in the 1950’s. I really don’t know what those people’s image of woman actually are.

  5. Yay for de-gendering of clothing! From a woman who wears as many men’s clothes as women’s…..

  6. He looks stunning! Obviously so much better at wearing heels than a lot of women, and he has great legs too!

  7. I think he looks great. Very stylish. I do question him saying that he likes to look masculine on top but that clothes have no gender. Surely his look on top also has no gender. Anyway, he has an amazing assortment of clothes and shoes and he wears them well.

  8. I’m a straight woman who wears very masculine clothes in the office (suiting, business shirt, cuff links, trousers, sometimes a tie!). Nobody blinks an eye, as it should be (although I understand this was considered ‘subversive’ in the 1920s & 30s). I’m all for men being able to wear traditionally feminine clothes if they want to & it shouldn’t be a big deal. This guy looks great & if he feels comfortable & confident wearing this, even better.

  9. I am jealous that he looks so good in all those outfits. I wish i was brave enough to wear skirts in public. Wondering where you are to be able to be so openly gender fluid?

  10. Good god how does he walk in skirts so tight with heels so high? So impractical for anyone to commute in. Gender unspecific!

  11. He looks so cool. Great combos. Nothing like a pencil skirt and classic stilettos to get into work mode .. glad he didn’t cop out on a platform…sassy!

  12. mentality like this is interesting because it would be seen as “weird” in modern times but many cultures have skirt like garments etc for men. Scottish have their kilts, in the middle east/south asia they have the ‘thawb” which is kinda like a plain dress if translated to the view of western culture. I feel like clothing is more gender neutral than many realise.

  13. Live and let live of course, but… A skirt is probably comfortable as heck, but the heels? I’ve always found it fascinating that women have embraced such a torture device and perceived it as glamorous. A man embracing heels is not a step forward, to me a step forward would be heels falling by the wayside. Just my opinion, but to me the more natural and comfortable someone is, the more beautiful they are.

  14. He looks both stunning and amazing. Our crapped out society can go suck an egg. Men should be free to wear what ever makes them happy instead of the insipid rubbish forced upon us.

  15. With legs and an ass like that who can blame him. Mens legs always look better in heals than most womens.

  16. I am a guy. Diesel mechanic and rebuilding a foxbody mustang but when I go home I always throw on some panties leggings and flip flops but with a men’s shirt. Most comfortable thing to wear. I consider myself to have a masculine and a feminine side. Too bad we can’t find enough women out there to accept us for who we are. As a man I have figured out that womens clothes are truly just more comfortable. Women choose the material and design there clothes for true comfort and style that’s what I like.

  17. He looks great and obviously knows how to shop for fit and style! His hemlines are even which is something overlooked by so many women. I love it. But I agree with “Ready to be Flamed”: discarding high heels would be real progress. Why are women required to show their legs and be in heels in order to be “professionally” dressed?

  18. Damn… Even if I was offended by this sight, I dare not say it… He’d whip my ass.

  19. Mark Bryan is blessed with a great physique and a great mind who doesn’t care what the rest of the world thinks and I do applaude him. However, for those like myself who don’t have the same great physique, I do the same thing with long flowing skirts and wearing sandals or round toed shoes, instead of high heels. He’s leading by example, but any man can freestyle like me and get the same result of fashion freedom. It’s 2021, nobody cares what you are wearing, it just seems like they are.

  20. This man is full filing his dream that us just like him can be able to be what we desire, and not let the public dictate how we should look and feel what makes us happy.

  21. Cool, looks amazing. Nicely built man with amazing body and legs, looks so good in skirts. I have no objection, why should anyone else?

  22. An inspiration! Looks absolutely fantastic. I am also a straight man, committed relationship with a woman, and at home I prefer skirts, chemises, silk, organic cotton nighties. I agree with his statement that it isn’t sexual. I love the way the material feels and it makes me feel youthful, playful, and sexy. Why? Well because I can! Not quite brave enough to wear them in public yet, plus respecting my wife’s boundaries and feelings is important to me and she isn’t quite ready either! lol
    Cheers everyone! Look good, feel good, be good, do good!!

  23. He looks absolutely amazing, and as a Guy myself I keep my legs freshly shaved and wear nylons with women’s juniors shorts openly in public with confidence and with no problems

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