Recently, your back pain has been getting stronger. You’ve noticed that you’re sneakily increasing the font size on your work computer screen. And you’ve come to the conclusion that the movies and music those darn kids like these days are just weird. The same kids that should get the hell off your lawn. No, the world is not ending; you are simply getting older…
I’m so old I have to wake up twice in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. Sometimes I’ll actually get out of bed.
Back in the good old days people died of polio….
Oh, so we’re returning to those times. Got it.
No… I’m not like my parents… My parents collected *paper* bags…
When I was a kid if you got hurt while playing and went home you got yelled at for bleeding on the floor.
My son was born in 1996. I told him that someday young people will be saying, “Wow! You were born in the TWENTIETH CENTURY!”
I was giving a new employee an introduction to our department, and I mentioned something about, “When Ronald Reagan was president … ” he did thus-and-so which affected us. And she said, “Oh yes, Reagan. We read about him in history class.”
Years ago I heard a joke, “You know you’re getting old when the schools are teaching as ‘ancient history’ what you learned as ‘current events’.” Apparently I have actually reached that point.
Oh yeah… I can relate to all of the above…
When I was a boy, I wished I was grown up.
Now that I’m grown up, I wish I was dead.
Old is, when you realize that you felt old in the 90’s.
old is wherever you go, female cashiers and fellow shoppers call you “sweetie”