27 thoughts on “Awkward Glamour Shots With Pets”

  1. The last pic, assuming they aren’t brother & sister**, one day they’ll have kids. Lordy.

    ** well, except maybe Alabama

  2. Omg that’s to FKN funny haven’t laughed that hard since puddle of mudd singing about a girl from nervana on utube

  3. I dare anyone to tell Danny Treijo he looks ridiculous with his dove; guy spent 11 years in a max. security prison and is a total badass. Meanwhile, Bubbles from the fake reality TV show Trailer Park Boys (the guy with the thick glasses) looks the least ridiculous of the whole bunch, and he’s trying is best to look sad and useless.

  4. lol that corona pack with the computer nerd. does anyone know what soft- or hardware that was?

  5. Why has no one commented on the kid with what appears to be a taxidermy dog face toupee on his head that matches his hair color perfectly. I have so many questions about that one.

  6. OMG,do the people look normal to you? So weird..and what the hell is going on with the black and white photo with the chihuahua?

  7. I dare you guys to do face swapping on all of them. Then I will definitely puke. And my dog will eat it

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