Instagram is a hotbed for stupid trends. Did you know that women are licking glitter and promoting their achievement with the #GlitterTongue tag? Scroll down to see the worst examples!
Instagram is a hotbed for stupid trends. Did you know that women are licking glitter and promoting their achievement with the #GlitterTongue tag? Scroll down to see the worst examples!
I hope they’re using edible glitter, and not tear-up-your-insides glitter.
These girls would chew on lead painted chair legs for attention.
And what should man then think about woman?
Truly sad and useless.
Yeah, well, women are kind of stupid you know?
They misspelled, Dumb as mud, in the caption
Add “…and parade around in Walmart.” and it would be a perfect score.
What idiots. Humanity is done. We’ve outlived out usefulness.
Next trend: they’ll swallow it, and then we’ll have “glitter sphincter.”
And the follow-up pics of them choking on the tiny pieces of sparkles?
It’s like no one here has ever been bored to death. Girls will lick glitter and share it with the world, boys will jump from rooftops attempting to break a garden table… You know, shit young people do because their life isn’t that exciting. Is it smart? Hell no, but if you’ve never done anything stupid in your life, I pity you.
Hold my beer and watch this!
To oldfart:
I’ve done many stupid things in my life. Thankfully though, I‘ve done it in a time when non of it was documented. This is why I don’t remember most of the sh*t I‘ve done. The only times I have to confront my stupidity is when my son does things which piss me off. Than I have to admit that the reason I lost my temper is because I did exactly the same when I was his age.
You can’t polish a turd but you can lick glitter and end up with unicorn shits.
Wow….don’t these women know that glitter is the herpes of the art world and they will never be rid of it? Bless them…
Fun images to pass time :-))
And just when i was thinking.. that people get more mature and smarter,
with all the experience from the past..
But i guess some are reset back to before “stone age” and bound to be extinct like the dinosaurs..
I love the chicks who only showed part of their faces. Why do something stupid and post it if you’re too chicken shit to take credit for it?!
Me: I appreciate your time, but I think I’ll get a second opinion. I found a photo of you licking glitter.
I really am concerned cuz some of the glitter is REALLY far back in the mouth
some people will be saying doing shit like this is normal when you are bored to death. yeah like you are doing dumb shit & you are gonna get all haughty when people tell you not to. how amusing… ಠ﹏ಠ
Whatever you say, sweetie.
People really will do anything, won’t they? I guess it just edges out licking toilet seats. Not by much.