10 thoughts on “15 Hilarious Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Married Life”

  1. A bit one-sided. Men always seem to be portrayed as useless idiots and punching bags. Wouldn’t be so bad if there was an equal number of memes poking fun at women. I won’t hold my breath.

  2. A bit one-sided. Men always seem to be portrayed as useless idiots and punching bags. Wouldn’t be so bad if there was an equal number of memes poking fun at angry men because they are the only one to care about child daily, being alone to do the dishes or cloth washing. Oops.. unless.. it doesn’t happen a lot?

  3. I agree with a lot of what people are saying on here. I do think that men tend to make more mistakes than women although women make mistakes just as much. I am just a child but i see some of these things happen between my parents. Especially the one with the guy standing behind an angry women who doesn’t know what he did wrong.


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