The Funniest Single-Panel Comics by Henry James Garrett

Henry James Garrett has written and cartooned for The New York Times, Buzzfeed, BBC, and others. His debut illustrated, non-fiction book, This Book Will Make You Kinder: An Empathy Handbook, is a distinctly Henry mix of ethics, politics, anthropomorphic animal drawings, sincerity and humour, all directed – as all his work is – at making humans kinder to one another. Scroll down to check out some of the funniest examples of his work!

Cartoon by Henry James Garrett.

Cartoon by Henry James Garrett.

Cartoon by Henry James Garrett.

Cartoon by Henry James Garrett.

Cartoon by Henry James Garrett.

Cartoon by Henry James Garrett.

Cartoon by Henry James Garrett.

Cartoon by Henry James Garrett.

Cartoon by Henry James Garrett.

Cartoon by Henry James Garrett.

Cartoon by Henry James Garrett.

Cartoon by Henry James Garrett.

Cartoon by Henry James Garrett.

Cartoon by Henry James Garrett.

Cartoon by Henry James Garrett.

Cartoon by Henry James Garrett.

Cartoon by Henry James Garrett.

Cartoon by Henry James Garrett.

Cartoon by Henry James Garrett.

Cartoon by Henry James Garrett.

Cartoon by Henry James Garrett.

Cartoon by Henry James Garrett.

Cartoon by Henry James Garrett.

Cartoon by Henry James Garrett.

If you enjoyed these cartoons and wish to see more, check out Gary’s book This Book Will Make You Kinder: An Empathy Handbook on Amazon! Please note that this site is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate affiliate we earn from qualifying purchases.

31 thoughts on “The Funniest Single-Panel Comics by Henry James Garrett”

  1. At last, something not only humourous and entertaining, but also intellectually clever in the process. Thanks a bunch.

  2. Come on, plenty funny. Most of them are puns, drawn cleverly. The praying mantis one of them missing the head.

  3. “I don’t get the 2nd one (the 2 birds and the gray thing). Otherwise, I like it.”

    It’s a stone with two birds. Think of the old adage.

  4. The saying is “Kill two birds with one stone”. The stone is threatening to kill the two birds.

  5. C’mon, nobody is going to acknowledge the dung beetles? They deserve recognition. Lol. And the praying mantis… I laughed too hard at that one. It doesn’t take much to amuse me. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  6. I just found out that my Birthday falls on the same day I was born. How cool is that?

  7. Nope, not funny…totally squaresville as a matter of fact….study GARY LARSON for awhile then try again.

  8. I like this person’s work alot. Especially the clever word play and puns. But I thought the stone was a potato, so it took me awhile for studying Larsen, he’s in a crazy class of his own, nobody can touch him. Stick to your own precious style and punny work, it’s really also in a class of its own. More dog ones please…

  9. Hit or miss. Some are cute/funny; others meh. I don’t get the praying mantis one. 🤔

  10. That’s not a trans butterfly, so the joke falls flat. A trans butterfly would be better represented by a caterpillar in a butterfly costume. Otherwise, the butterfly IS identifying aligned with its genetics. Sad and clueless is right. Missed the main point of transphobia: not going along with other people’s cosplay.

  11. Every trans I’ve ever encountered is terrible. The worst ones are usually from older Chryslers and the occasional Jatco JF011E.

  12. condescending leftist horseshit… might as well watch stephen colbert… but even he gets funny once in a blue moon… not this.

    I couldn’t do any better, thus I don’t publish but I can have an opinion and little humor here.

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