Ridiculous Matching Outfits From 1970s Fashion Ads

Yes, in the 1970s a couple could wear matching sweaters without the slightest sense of irony or self-reflection. Catalogs and fashion magazines were littered with guys and girls in identical attire looking just as cheesy as you can imagine. These tacky matching outfits would get ridiculed to shreds on the streets today. There are only so many belted tank tops and leopard onesies a person can tolerate, and the 1970s pushed the boundaries of this limit. Scroll down to see the most ridiculous examples and let us know in the comments if you are waiting for 1970s fashion to come back!

Matching outfits from the 1970s.

Matching outfits from the 1970s.

Matching outfits from the 1970s.

Matching outfits from the 1970s.

Matching outfits from the 1970s.

Matching outfits from the 1970s.

Matching outfits from the 1970s.

Matching outfits from the 1970s.

Matching outfits from the 1970s.

Matching outfits from the 1970s.

Matching outfits from the 1970s.

Matching outfits from the 1970s.

Matching outfits from the 1970s.

Matching outfits from the 1970s.

Matching outfits from the 1970s.

Matching outfits from the 1970s.

Matching outfits from the 1970s.

Matching outfits from the 1970s.

Matching outfits from the 1970s.

Matching outfits from the 1970s.

Matching outfits from the 1970s.

Matching outfits from the 1970s.

15 thoughts on “Ridiculous Matching Outfits From 1970s Fashion Ads”

  1. OMG!!! The “This is the one” one piece white suit… I OWNED THAT! That was my club wear before I realized I was gay! International Male sold a version of it back in the day!!!

  2. I am embarrassed to admit this, but pops up repeatedly on this site and others so I might as well cop to it, but I”m in one of those pics. Sadly, not the good looking one either.

    (my eternal shame)

  3. Oh, yeah, there was a cultural moment when minimizing gender differentiation was a thing, instead of maximizing it. So glad we’re on the right track now.

  4. Mr Him/His: Dude’s junk is clearly going between his legs, out the back of his tighty-whiteys, around the sleigh just enough so it can point to some mistletoe. Hence the the look on both of their faces.

  5. I’m well-known in my circle for being the living embodiment of the exact opposite of fashion sense, but … NGL, frankly I think some of these are adorable.


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