Hipsters of New York: The Dangers of Extreme Hipsterism

If you think you can out-hipster these people, then you’re probably wrong. These are no regular hipsters, these people have taken hipsterism to a whole new level proving once again that New York is the epicentre of global hipsterism. Scroll down for the best examples and don’t forget to check out @hipsters_of_ny on Instagram!

Extreme hipsterism.

Extreme hipsterism.

Extreme hipsterism.

Extreme hipsterism.

Extreme hipsterism.

Extreme hipsterism.

Extreme hipsterism.

Extreme hipsterism.

Extreme hipsterism.

Extreme hipsterism.

Extreme hipsterism.

Extreme hipsterism.

Extreme hipsterism.

Extreme hipsterism.

Extreme hipsterism.

Extreme hipsterism.

Extreme hipsterism.

Extreme hipsterism.

Extreme hipsterism.

Extreme hipsterism.

Extreme hipsterism.

Extreme hipsterism.

Extreme hipsterism.

29 thoughts on “Hipsters of New York: The Dangers of Extreme Hipsterism”

  1. Sorry to burst your bubble, but “hipstair” is NOT a synonym for “idiotic lack of any fashion sense”.

  2. I guess sadanduseless is so straight you don’t realise that most of these people are just… gay (and/or gender non-conforming/trans)? In that light, this article comes across as pretty homophobic and transphobic ngl. Unfollowing

  3. This is where our culture has descended. People are too afraid to tell these people they look like idiots, so they just peacock harder and harder, trying desperately fo attention.
    That’s why I love old people. They’ll say it straight out, with zero effs to give.

  4. Not sure I disagree with literally any of the other comments here — which might be something worth considering. Like the kids are saying these days, “Two things can be true.”

    PS: Check out the rack on that one gal, am I right?

  5. I like the recent traditional men’s clothes with the argyle socks, and the older traditional men’s clothes with the skirts and dresses. Pants are barbaric and it’s getting too hot for them anyways.

  6. I don’t see the humor in it, ngl. If these people like dressing like this and it brings them a little happiness, good for them! Is it my style? No. But I know there are small things I do throughout the week to give myself little moments of joy, and I think they’re just doing the same. We should tease each other less and look for more reasons to laugh together.

  7. This gallery could also be called “Sad and Useless Making Fun of People for Being Who They Are.” This site has become unfunny.

  8. Let them do their sh*t as long as no one is hurt except their own dignity.
    I assume that a certain portion of the photos were staged anyway.

  9. Count me in with the commenters who see creativity & courage here. By the way, every year the NY subway runs vintage 1920s trains & people dress in vintage costumes. That could be the reason for some of the looks here. Or else your “hipsters” are just tired of following sexist & boring fashion.

  10. Many untreated mental patients at large are often mistaken for hipsters, see if you can spot the difference.

  11. Some of these I actually like, though some are very confusing. Bro put short overalls over a tuxedo ??? anyway if it makes them happy then I mean you do you. I know this post is kind of meant as a way to make fun of these “hipsters” and how atrocious some people may think their fashion sense is, but I think it should just be taken with a grain of salt. Just because some lgbtq+ members were put in this post when they felt they were expressing themselves doesn’t mean Sad and Useless is homophobic, it just means their clothing is a little funny for some people. (Just for reference I am an lgbtq+ member, I do not say any of this with a phobia of some kind)

  12. lol. interesting how the ppl spouting FREEDOM! are the ones sh!tting all over folks who dress freely.

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