30 thoughts on “Offensive Teacups To Insult Your Guests With Class”

  1. These could be designed by a Dutch person, they are renowned for speaking their mind and calling a spade a spade

  2. One wishes that these slight bit more clever. For instance, since the cup hides the text, repeating the text is, well, a missed opportunity. Catty comments have a long history. Pinking a social rival across the table with a well sharpened bit of wit or sarcasm commands respect. If the text within the cup says “no one likes you”, the saucer should say something like “NOBODY”, or “absolutely no one” or even “not even the dog”. You get the idea. Get to work. Also, hot pink monochromatic hair?

  3. To the person who said the Dutch could have written that, I agree. My husband is Dutch and one of his relatives has already commented that she wants a set!

  4. For those timid gutless wonders, without conviction, gumption or kindness, and who cannot articulate. A classy person would have given a firm but gentle brush off.

  5. You probably can get a used tea cup and write on it yourself with permanent marker for porcelain.

  6. Lovely, colorful china coupled with senseless , rude, trashy words & phrases- a complete waste of time and money.
    Just further shows one more thing that’s wrong with the world today – a lack of class and civility and no different than a smelly , muddy pig dressed in a gorgeous evening dress , wearing real pearls and lovely, pink lipstick…..

  7. There’s a cool store on Etsy with pretty neat teacups. They don’t have any offensive writing on them though. The store “Vintage1Wares” is my favorite store on Etsy.

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