We’re living in a weird time. If you look anywhere, you’ll find people taking mirror selfies at coffee shops, toilets, contorting themselves on the edge of literal bridges, or doing a very not-casual “casually walking” pose in the middle of a trendy street. These “influencers gone wild” are cringy and awkward as hell. Thats why this Instagram account shares pics and videos of people doing all that weird (and sometimes dangerous) stuff – so we can point and laugh, and follow them anyways. Scroll down to see the worst examples!
I hate “Influencers”, still do.
Influencers: Narcissists with absolutely no work ethic or skills.
I always wonder how they’re not ashamed of themselves
The last one pretty much sums them all.
The good news is that most of them won’t survive.
What are they “influencing”? Embarrassing public behavior?
I love the last picture!!!! That should happen to all of them. Just sick of hearing the term “influencer” on a daily basis…. Go away, please! People with a brain (or even with a half of it) don’t want to be “influenced” by nobodies….
Ironically “influencer” Sounds and behaves just like ‘influenza’. Defined as a nasty event that ruins your week. you can try taking medicine to help, but ultimately you just have to wait for it to go away.
Influenzers and their influenzed.
“The greater the artist, the greater the doubt. Perfect confidence is granted to the less talented as a consolation prize.” ― Robert Hughes
I wish horrible things upon these people.
In my town you’re not allowed to hump a car. I want that.
Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.
Harvest all influencers for their organs. The Kardashians too!
I wish they get stuck in those positions. Forever.
Useless Hussies.
Sadly, this “career” is one of Gen Z’s top preferences…