If you’ve been using Instagram for long enough, you have definitely noticed that many people use filters, however some don’t know when to stop and overdo it. Enter the r/InstagramReality subreddit which happily sheds light on those who take things too far. While the appeal of matching your pics with athletes or supermodels is understandable, taking it to such extreme is absurd. Like addiction is real. Don’t do it. Just say no!
Each one is really ugly.
Welcome back Sad and Useless!! With that long hiatus, we thought you were no more!
I don’t feel so stupid w black and white filter on pizzas anymore.
Everyone has body dysmorphia now. Well done the twenty first century.
The one in the balcony is priceless. They forgot to doctor the real reflection in the glass 🤣
The things humans will do to fill the emptiness inside….😟
What’s with the popularity of fat arses these days? Why do women want a backside like an NRL player? Check Joey Johns. Or even James Tedesco.
Well, that answered my question: Do I really want an Instagram account?
Not no, but HELL no.
Plenty of photos of “transwomen” could be placed here too. Sad
Y’know those old photos of Gramma and Uncle Albert that look silly because they were airbrushed to give them some “lifelike” color? Yeah, in a couple generations, grandkids will look back at this era and have no fricking clue what their forbears looked like.
Why do the feet get so big? Surely some of these must be jokes, right?
What is with all these asian girls with round eyes???
The guy in the white robe- zoom in and you’ll see a bit more
and here i thought each and every one of them was real :P
@LordG … I’m with ya on the whole butt thing
I don’t understand why girls want that
Especially exaggerated as they are in these pics 😕
I bet these people would look way better without the filters.
Are those caricatures?
I mean…. Who would be so stupid and think: oh wow, with those filters I finally have the face of a cheddar and the body of a dumbell, i have to post this
I see nothing wrong with these 😃
All look like AI crap
You’ll never convince me most of these aren’t intentional. No one has BDD to this extent. It’s all about attention and engagement. attention.
And it works. Obviously.
Apparently the Uncanny Valley now has wifi.