Funny And Very Relatable Job Interview Memes

Job interviews are like an endless rerun of a boring TV show you never wanted to watch in the first place. The same old cliché questions get recycled again and again, making the whole experience about as exciting as watching the grass grow. “Why do you want to work for this company?”, “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” Can’t they come up with something a little more creative? It’s enough to make you want to scream, “I’m a human being, not a robot programmed to answer these inane questions!” But we have to put on a smile and pretend like we’re thrilled to be there, all the while wondering if we’ll ever escape this Groundhog Day of job interviews. Hopefully, these funny job interview memes will brighten your day and improve your mood while job hunting.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

12 thoughts on “Funny And Very Relatable Job Interview Memes”

  1. This country is going down and going down hard because of this work ethic.

    At 16/hrs a company is paying you $4 every 15 minutes, with taxes, matching employee ss and insurance a $16/hr ends up almost $20/hr.. and most employees have no drive, ambition or common sense.. why the f*** would a company invest in you before you’ve shown you’re useful?

  2. Anonymous #1, are you that stupid? Really? Unemployment is at an all-time low, but we now have horrible salaries, which did not keep up with inflation. So, even if we did net $20/hr, it is still near impossible to afford an apartment alone in one of the cheapest cities in the U.S., Fort Wayne, IN. We will not go into the reasons for inflation.

    By the way, we can blame neither party for inflation, because it was a bipartisan effort.

  3. “You’ll see your first paycheck in about a month”

    “Ok cool, I’ll start working in about a month.”

  4. @Al-nonymous. You’re right – it is almost impossible to afford an apartment on your own any where in America. I should know I live in Baltimore and this city is the eviction capital of the U.S.A. Even my 86 year old mother was threatened with eviction even after having paid the rent on time for over 1/2 century.

  5. There are only two types of messed up people in America, those that had babies from two separate spouses (hugely disorganizational) and those that have the wrong job. I am a Rideshare driver and I just spoke with 54,000 people that got in my car over the last 8 years. A lady got in my car screaming about her job and I said, “How long have you had that job?” She said 13 years. I said just get another job, why the struggle?

  6. These were hilarious! Next time I’m in a job interview, and you know some of these questions will come up, I’ll think back to these and it will be a great stress reliever! These were fabulous!

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