114 thoughts on “How To Become a Cat: The Complete Guide”

  1. Great, but I don’t want to attack a Christmas tree and do things that are not appropriate anywhere. 🐱🤬

  2. I always dreamed to become mighty. Can I also be halve tabby cat and halve leopard? 🐱🐆🦸

  3. I’m good at all of them and my cat dose number 8………i’ts funy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #i love cats!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Meow. Meow. I needh help. My huemun’s socks smells therrible. I can’th play with them. help. Meow. Meow

  5. I tried this, but I want to be a REAL cat. Like furry and things. I dont have any cat costume and stuff. Can you please write something to turn into a real cat?

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