Have you ever wondered how artificial intelligence sees a typical Friday night at KFC? In a world where AI can analyze and dissect a huge array of data, we became curious to discover how AI sees stereotypical KFC visitors and employees. Apparently AI thinks that many KFC visitors actually get into fistfights or drive their car directly into the place… Scroll down and prepare to be surprised, entertained, and amused! And try to not get offended, if you’re a regular KFC visitor yourself!
I feel like I need a cigarette and/or an EKG after this montage.
Best action film of the century, if it weren’t just two dozen stills.
@Gern Blanston – OMG, I never thought of it like that!
I don’t understand WHY AI “thought” this was a “typical Friday night at KFC”. But the chickens are fat and fluffy and the chinchilla raid is adorable anyway.
Well, snafu 😅
I like the roller blades one. And the warrior! And the mayhem!
Never been there before.
Sure, I will soon!
@Tea, I suspect that the prompts for these photos were pretty specific, and arrived at after a lot of trial-and-error :) I’m not complaining or throwing shade or anything though! I was serious: this was thrilling, I really got the kind of post-adrenaline-surge feeling I do after a good action movie.
(And you’re right, the chinchillas just sealed the deal!!)
After the entertaining first 5 pix–TRITE!
These just aren’t good. They barely resemble what a KFC is like at all.
However, simply change the location to a Waffle House and everything would become way more believable.
Looking back on this after a few days to digest and decompress, I think the single image that stays with me the most is the guy punching the whole roast chicken. He is so enraged and wrathful that his hat flew off — his _outer_ hat, at least; fortunately his inner hat stayed on.
These would be more realistic if it were a Popeye’s.
It would be more realistic if it was the kitchen at Mar-A-Lago.
AI will conquer the world.
Or at least the KFC.
What AI site/software is this? I want to use it! :-)
Ken tried f*****g a chicken? Just say no.
Kentucky Fries, Chinchillas..
I came back to read the comments and I can’t help but notice that everyone is OK with the chickens sh*tt**g drumsticks.
Drink machine’s broken again.