449 thoughts on “20 Times Genius Kids Came Up With Their Own Words For Common Items”

  1. My son was obsessed with Starwars in preschool. His favorite characters were : Yogurt (Yoda), Dark Fader, and Job The Butt (which should obviously have been Jabba the Huts real name)

  2. when i was first learning to speak and had not seen anyelse yet puke i called it caught-pee-pee.

  3. Driving by a local beach, my daughter commented on the clamsters she could see.. She was right, she could see the shells of oysters and clams!

  4. As my son rightly noticed, jet trails should be called sky scrapes! We live in a very small town, so no skyscrapers in evidence. He had obviously heard the word, and devised a meaning for it!

  5. Teaching on a reserve, the kids had never seen “ear muffs” and called them what they looked like…”Ear Muffins” they remain to this day!

  6. My 4 yr old granddaughter loves “noonicorns “. My kids called spaghetti-“ba-sketti “, and cauliflower was “white broccoli “.

  7. My daughter came home from kindergarten saying she had won the “concha-bean goods” (caught ya being good award). My son referred to Inspector Gadget as Spester Jagget. Matthew Broderick now has a new name.

  8. My son liked to see Hiccup Trucks and use the “mikey-wave” and his favorite dinosaur was Chops. (Pick up trucks, microwave, triceratops).

  9. Pointed out migrating birds to my 4yr old son and he called them ‘your grating birds’. He told his sister he saw ‘Mum’s grating birds’. We have since called migrating birds “grating birds” as we have been unable to establish ownership of these birds!

  10. Had a friend who used to call windshield wipers “wind-wild sheepers,” and I can’t call them anything else now.

  11. When my son was three he saw a rainbow and said “Look mom, a circus cloud!” He also asked the elderly neighbor “How did you get those designs on your face?”

  12. A friend and I were out on a drive and saw cows and very young calves in a pasture. She couldn’t think of the word “calf” and called them cow puppies.

  13. At 3 years, my daughter coined the term “work vacation” for business trips. Having been on a couple after having kids, I can’t disagree with her! 😂 It’s a part of my vocabulary now.

  14. My kids call “over easy eggs” dipper eggs and ordered them that way in restaurants.
    My daughter called Burger King onion rings, ugly rings and a friend still calls them that to this day.

  15. My youngest son calls gyros lamb tacos. And when his oldest brother was little little he would call ketchup cat goo

  16. I went to the local zoo with a friend and his young son. When we went by the turkeys, you could hear them gobble. When his son heard them gobble, he turned to us and said, “Look! Chicken nuggets!” We started laughing.

  17. One of my son’s when he was about 3, called an Elk a oohayuck. Oohs referred to horse’s, yuck was dirty diapers because of the Ella white hind end

  18. My granddaughter says ‘yesternight’ and ‘lasternight’ instead of yesterday and last night.

  19. When my daughter was about 5 she started saying splash you instead of bless you when anyone sneezed. Made sense!😉

  20. When my son was 2, he asked for a Blum. What’s a Blum? “You know mom blumblum Blum Blum Blum 🎶🎵” (tempo of the loan ranger theme) Horses have been blums for 18 years now. Lol

  21. In Swedish, “vrist” is the word for ankle. (The one between hand and arm. is a”hand joint”).

  22. It was the summer of the 1996 Olympics and we had been watching a lot of exciting activity on balance beams and parallel bars and such. As we drove over a hill near our home in Seattle, my daughter, who was 3, looked west then east and said, “Those mountains are the Olympics. THOSE must be the Gymnastics.” The Cascades have been the Gymnastics to our family ever since.

  23. Our son @ the tender age of 4 called sheep fuzzy pigs. And they have been fuzzy pigs thru 12 grandchildren!

  24. When my grandson was four he kept asking for the memop. It took awhile before we found out that a memop for him is our snowman.

  25. When my granddaughter was about three she would ask to go to the wee for shy shys. McDonald’s with the play equipment for french fries.

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