449 thoughts on “20 Times Genius Kids Came Up With Their Own Words For Common Items”

  1. My son couldn’t say “Three Musketeers”, so instead he would call them “Free Monkey Tears”.

  2. My son would refer to the Transformer known as Optimus Prime as Octopus Primes. Guess he saw ‘more than meets the eye.’. Also helicopters were knowns as hella-ga-dopters.

  3. My grand kids also had great words. A remote was a marote. The first time seeing a giraffe a Boris. We still do.

  4. Not a kid. My husband is from México. The word for toes in Spanish is “dedos de los pies,” literally “foot fingers,” so foot fingers they shall be called in our house for all eternity.
    His English is excellent now, but he still calls eyebrows “eye browns.” Well, they are.

  5. When my daughter was 3, she couldn’t seem to say “because”, she’d say “ca-pause”. 33 years later we still say “ca-pause”!!

  6. Little trees (broccoli) and green beings (green beans) is how I got my friends kid to eat veggies, but my favorite of all time is, “I no no?” for I don’t know.

  7. I used to live in a small Alaskan community called “Port Protection.” As my sisters learned to talk, they started calling it “pork-a-chicken.”

  8. My granddaughter had her own little terms for things at 2-3 years old. She called ice cream creesum and cottage cheese was snow. She referred to brussel sprouts as baby martian heads. We still use these terms.

  9. My little nephew were the best with his made up words. He talked about the “shock wind” to which his mom later gathered he was referring to the lightning bolts and also when she was busy making fries he looked at her and later when he wanted fries again one day he said that he wanted the potatoes thats made in the “shooting water” as the oil shoots out while frying :D The list goes on but those were my two favourites… Clever little boy still today :)

  10. We lived in Lincoln Park when my daughter was little…not far from a shopping area. She told people she lived in “Parking Lot, Michigan “

  11. My son at about age 4 liked to wear snug pajamas that were almost like tights. Since he would transpose the letters s-k in words, the pajamas were his “ksinny pants.”

  12. Teaching my 5 year old about anatomy. He knew what little boys have. I asked him what little girls have. His reply was “Little boys”.

  13. My daughter at 3 & 4 called all dogs “Puppy”. One day while driving by a dairy farm she pointed at them & said “Puppy” and l told her, “no they are cows”.
    From then on she referred to them as

  14. My son made up the word “boop” when he was probably 2. Rhymes with book. It means, “any kind of goopy condiment/dip” — like mayo, ranch dressing, guacamole, mustard, etc. Usage: “Put some boop on it, Mama!”

  15. My daughter, at 2 years, asked for square eggs for breakfast. Puzzled, I asked what that was. She said “like Daddy’s”. He likes over easy fried eggs and cut them up criss cross, making little squares. So fried eggs were square eggs until she left home.

  16. My son said alligator for elevator, nipplecase for bra. In my own family, we said pizghetti for spaghetti and kepitch for ketchup. And for reasons unknown, my sister said “dahlias” for airplanes!

  17. Whenever we went on a road trip I would pack a little bag of snacks for my 2-year-old son. About half an hour into the trip one day he said: “Mummy, where’s my hungry stuff”? – he’s 25 now and still raids the fridge for hungry stuff!
    My eldest son got a tiny “make a finger bigger” in a Christmas cracker when he was two (magnifying glass) – My boys are 12 years apart in years but so alike in funnies.

  18. My older sister got me started with folks dying in the horse-spittle and going from there to the cementery by way of the funnel-home.

  19. My maternal grandfather told us how when my sister and I were almost three, our parents took us and the grandparents to San Francisco. We were riding a beautiful cable car when we spotted a bird and pointed out the duck. Grandpa corrected us saying it was a (sea) gull. We rejected that and finally decided it was a “gull- duck.”

  20. Instead of in the morning my nephew said “after the dark”.
    My son was pushing his toy lawn mower and said “I’m lawning”.

  21. My brother would say “Extrasize” instead of “exercise”. He said it made sense to him because he thought people were doing it because they were an extra size.

  22. While babysitting for a 3 1/2 year old and his younger brother, I watched as the older one made two swords out of paper so he could fight little ‘Darth Vader’ with his “life saver”. A seriously hilarious battle!

  23. When my goddaughter was 2 she would say “I just burped in my diaper”. When my son was little, he would say “hold you momma”

  24. Strawbabies instead of strawberries is still used in my home because my son used to call them that. Tomatoes are red grapes and green beans are green french fries for the same reason.

  25. When my daughter grew up she wanted to be a spiderbiter—-that would be a firefighter!
    She also liked to eat yogret.

  26. My daughter called flour “biscuit dust”. She also tried putting the “stuffing” back in our long haired Shepard every Spring when he shed

  27. My five year old differentiates cream gravy from ranch dressing by calling one cold ranch the other hot ranch. When she did something for me I always said “I appreciate it” she started saying “Aaaapreciated”(I have a bit of a southern accent)

  28. My cousin used to say ”hangaburger” My daughter said lellow for yellow so much, I picked it up! And her favorite lunch was ham, nis neese mayonnaise!

  29. My 6 ye old granddaughter .. lellow for yellow, my oldest son, now 28 used to say aminals for animals and pasketti.. for spaghetti. My daughter used to call Mac m cheese Mac n sneeze. Also she called spaghetti, Sasquatch, because she hated spaghetti so we told her it was Sasquatch then she loved it. Oh one more, my granddaughter also calls alpacas, llama-chickens because when she goes to pet them they run away so they are llama-chickens.

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