449 thoughts on “20 Times Genius Kids Came Up With Their Own Words For Common Items”

  1. 3 1/2 year old…..very verbal Granddaughter calls skunks “Fart cats”. Have no idea where she heard it but we think it’s hysterical!

  2. One of my kids called chicken legs…chicken with a handle, same kid was watching Law and Order at his granny’s told me someone’s eye had been sodomized (he meant the eye had been cauterized, big difference).

  3. son called umbrella a rainbrella, fireworks, were flower lights;, traction, was gription,

  4. Our son called escalators-alligators -so when we went to the mall we got to ride the alligator

  5. My wife and I were unable to have children, so we enjoy friends and family who have (and lend!) them.

    One baby cousin (now about to be a first time father!) called breaded fish sticks “chicken fish”.
    Pasghetti, sketties, and longnoodles are perfectly good alternative names for spaghetti.

    In my bachelor days, circumstances put me in the position of hosting a couple of unrelated (to me or to each other) boys int mealtime. I had no “fun food” so I made up ramen noodles (no broth), spaghetti sauce, and shredded mozzarella, calling it “extra wiggly spaghetti with pizza cheese.” One of the mothers called me up begging to know what her son was asking her for…

    My name is similar enough to a type of bread that to one little guy I was known as “Mr. Bagel”.

    Another baby cousin, now 21, went for a few months at age 7 randomly saying “pert-turkey”. A few years later his little brother, about the same age, would randomly say chickenishly “bawk-bawk bawk” in a particular cadence and inflection; he’s now 13. Both remember doing it; neither remembers why.

    Enough for now :)

  6. When my son was 2-3 yrs old he called milk Moo juice. Why not all the fruits ended up being juice from the tree.

  7. My daughter was about 2 and used to say Lasterday instead of yesterday and we didn’t correct her until she was 5 and started school because that word just made more sense. Lol

  8. Offered my 3 1/2 yr old granddaughter a bite of my avocado toast. She told my daughter I tried to make her eat guacamole pie. 😂

  9. My nephew as a toddler called ice water winter water, and carbonated water wiggly water. We all call them by those names now.

  10. I drove a tractor and usually had on large, black, sound deadening ear muffs. My four year old coined in, and they are now known in our family as ear mouses.

  11. When my girls were younger…my oldest used to call drumsticks 🍗…Trees, my middle called wieners…winkies, and my baby called chocolate milk…chicky milk. They are now 20,14, and 11

  12. At 4 yr old, my son had some great ones that why still use today…..

    Crocadactyl – alligator/ crocodile/pterodactyl
    Packpack – backpack
    Puffalo – ramen noodles
    Chicken spaghetti – chow mein

  13. My nephew called his tennis shoes run-fasters. He’s almost 17 now, runs track & cross country & I’m pretty sure still uses that name for his running shoes.

  14. My son (around age 5) used to say, “gas hole” when asked where the gas goes when filling the truck. He is now 16 and we still call it the gas hole.

  15. My daughter called her dressing gown “a warmer” because she was warmer with it on. We still call them warmers and she’s 27 😂

  16. My youngest daughter announced one day while we were making sandwiches for lunch, “Swiss cheese makes my fingers smell like feet.”

  17. My nephew when he was Three would say his colors and when he came to white he said ‘Milk Color” WE STILL CALL WHITE ,,MILK cOLOR WHEN IT COMES TO WHITE..

  18. My oldest when she was little would not only rename things but she would also rename people of all ages and they had to respond to it 😂most even enjoyed their new names

  19. My son (now age 54) referred to grated Parmesan cheese as spaghetti salt. We still call it that at my house.

    One day I took my grand-daughters, ages 3 & 4 to lunch. When the waitress asked the youngest what she wanted, she promptly said, dead, toasted fish.

  20. My son’s physician father works at the hos-i-pis-tal. The thing flying some of them there was a heck-i-dop-ter.

  21. My daughter used to call hiccups hickens-up and mac and cheese was macaroni and the cheese. I still say hickens up. Lol

  22. As a child, you could tell my brother “tomorrow we’re going to the pool” and all day long he’d ask…

    “Is it the day before the day after tomorrow yet?”

  23. Parmesan is stinky socks cheese, farts are pop offs, burps are throat thunder, nail polish is nolly parish, foot odour is cat heaven, milk is calf food, noodles are worm pasta, Warringah Mall is Ringa wall mall.. heaps more

  24. A helicopter was a heilocozzard or my 4-year old. And elves really did live in trees.

  25. My 3 year old son loved dogs, but had a hard time saying dog, so he called them “woof woofs”. But he still had trouble with woof woof so he finally settled on calling dogs “foo foos”. A big dog sat on him once, which made him cry and get angry. He scolded the dog and said, “Bad foo foo, bad foo foo!!” :)

  26. My 4yr old son came and urgently told me “the kitten was stuck on the bug fence”.
    He led me to the front door, where our new kitten was clinging to the screen.

  27. My daughter used to call napkins “LAPKINS.” Sound wisdom, there.

    She also would say people with red eye in photos had “tomato eyes.”

    And when watching the movie “Sound of Music,” both of my kids called the Nazis the “Naughties.”

  28. My daughter’s first two years were in Sri Lanka, where there are geckos everywhere. She was 18 months old when she saw a monitor lizard that was nearly two metres long. She called it a ‘big gecko’.

  29. My daughter, during potty training, used to tell me that “my butt is talking” to communicate she needed to go #2

  30. When one of my boys was about 4 he thought the song Jukebox Hero was Juice Box Hero! Still sing it like that sometimes

  31. I used to call lipstick “lipspick” and cartoon were “tartoons”- I also pronounced my last name as Richinson instead of Richardson

  32. My youngest sounds a lot like Elmer Fudd and always makes us laugh. He gets wee-wee fur-wus-ter-wated when we do!

  33. We like in Iowa, where one of our populars college teams is called the Hawkeyes. My 5 year old daughter would call them the “Hotguys.” I could not correct her lol


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