Pigeons Make The Laziest Nests!

Pigeons are notoriously lazy, and will give the minimum effort needed to take care of the eggs. They spend most of their time just having fun flying around like teenagers on dirt bikes, wearing bling, and get really resentful about having to raise kids. Well, who could blame them – baby pigeons are ugly as sin.

Pigeons are terrible at making nests.

Seriously, though, why are pigeons so terrible at making nests? Actually, they don’t really need a nest like birds that nest in trees. Rock doves, also known as the common pigeon, naturally nest on cliffs and rocky areas, hence their name. Because of that, the main foundation of their nest is the rock itself, which is also why they are quite well adapted for roosting on skyscrapers, window ledges, and other human-made structures with a hard surface. Birds that nest in trees need to build sturdy woven nests to hold their eggs, and then young. Birds that nest on flat, rocky surfaces just need to make sure their eggs don’t roll away and get smashed, because the chicks can just sit there once they are hatched. Basically they just need a few twigs to keep the eggs from rolling off.

Pigeons are terrible at making nests.

Pigeons are terrible at making nests.

Pigeons are terrible at making nests.

What to do if a pigeon lays an egg on your doorstep? Elizabeth Carlen, a pigeon researcher in Manhattan with a doctorate in biology, advises to throw the egg out to anyone who finds a pigeon egg in their home to do the same. She said pigeons have an intense sense of home, and they go back to the place they’re raised, so you can end up with a pretty bad case of pigeon infestation if you keep pigeons hatching in your home. She doesn’t advise moving the egg somewhere else, because the mama bird won’t be able to find it. She said anyone who is concerned about a pigeon egg or a baby bird can also contact the local wild bird fund or similar organization which cares for sick or injured birds in your area.

Pigeons are terrible at making nests.

Pigeons are terrible at making nests.

Pigeons are terrible at making nests.

Pigeons are terrible at making nests.

Pigeons are terrible at making nests.

Pigeons are terrible at making nests.

Pigeons are terrible at making nests.

Pigeons are terrible at making nests.

Pigeons are terrible at making nests.

Pigeons are terrible at making nests.

Pigeons are terrible at making nests.

Pigeons are terrible at making nests.

23 thoughts on “Pigeons Make The Laziest Nests!”

  1. And you make a lazy blog. 😅
    Please don’t repost that often.
    It’s annoying and people might move to another site. Stay unique. For the most I’m really into your stuff and love to come around every couple of days.
    Keep it great 😘

  2. ok do you know any thing about pigeons 1 out of 10 pigeon cuples do this just cus you saw a picture on the internet cant mean it is true this is FALSE pigeons a great at rasing chicks

  3. “To throw the egg out”… one of the worst advises I’ve ever heard coming from a “specialist”

  4. “Throw the egg out” is actually the best advice, coming from a pigeon specialist living in NYC… almost every NYC resident is a pigeon specialist, and the majority would agree to throw away the brood of any pest if you have the chance.
    Pigeons aren’t real! At best, they’re rats with wings.

  5. Whoever downvoted my comment without supplying a comment, first and foremost is a COWARD. More likely, they are a pigeon SIMP or a damn dirty pigeon themselves! Shame, shame, shameful!
    Take responsibility for your Thumbs Down, PIGEON, I’ll meet you anywhere for a full game of “Pigeon Punting”. I won’t be surprised if you don’t accept, being a coward pigeon simp and all, not to mention my astounding undefeated record of Pigeon Punting. If you’re feeling angry, triggered, or whatever pigeon simps might feel then bring that to our Pigeon Punting Souiree; however, none of that will save you or give you any kind of edge over me: Pigeon Punting Punisher The Third

  6. Pigeons are a good representation of the American people, don’t own a house and if they do it’s a dump but they’re like let’s have six kids anyway and maybe the government will help us

  7. This was the most heartless, cruel, lazy and ignorant post I’ve read about pigeons.
    Pigeons level of intelligence: 6 in the animal kingdom.
    Pigeons are EXTREMELY loyal, this is why they always come “home”
    Pigeons are so loyal, they have the same partner for life, if the partner is unable to eat the other will feed it as if it feeds the squabs. If the partner dies; they stay a widow till death, or if they choose an other partner, they wait a minimum of 3 months.
    Pigeons are amazing parents, the male takes care of the squabs with the same love and care as the female.
    Pigeons are one of three only only birds that produce crop milk (male and female) the other two birds are: flamingo and penguins.
    “Pigeon milk” (crop milk) contains more protein than cow or human milk.
    Pigeons eat very healthy, they eat grains, nuts, some fruits such as watermelon, blueberries, blackberries among others. Vegetables like: spinach, carrots, broccoli among others.
    Pigeons make very sturdy nests, building over them with time to make a fortress type of nest.

    The only reason city pigeons eat anything; is the same exact reason why a human would do the same. They are starving. There IS nothing else to eat for them. Why are they here then? Loyalty. City pigeons are de descendants of the pigeons that served humanity for more than 10.000 years, being our primary WhatsApp, saving human life’s. They are just waiting for us to feed them 3 x a day, as we did for millennia.
    The only reason why they nest on the ground is because there was no other option. Nesting on the ground is extremely risky for them. They obviously prefer higher areas to keep the squabs (babies) safe.
    The nests you see in these pictures are nests of pigeons who couldn’t find any material at all to build the nest. This was it.
    Is this not heartless? Sad? If you don’t feel some sort of SOMETHING for the innocent and defenseless animals of this earth, that we ALL call home, if you prefer nature’s suffering and could care less, that I don’t know what kind of human you are. Remember that when this earth was created; animals were first. Men was placed here to CARE for nature. And we are doing just that… Aren’t we?

  8. Dear Lombana,
    Yes, pigeons are very smart! So smart, in fact, that in WW2 the USA used pigeons as the “brain” of the USA’s first guided anti-ship bombs. Here is an excerpt describing how they were used:
    “The testbed was the same National Bureau of Standards-developed, unpowered airframe that was later used for the US Navy’s radar-guided “Bat” glide bomb, which was basically a small glider, with wings and tail surfaces, an explosive warhead section in the center, and a “guidance section” in the nose cone. The intent was to train pigeons to act as “pilots” for the device, using their cognitive abilities to recognize the target. The guidance system consisted of three lenses mounted in the nose of the vehicle, which projected an image of the target on a screen mounted in a small compartment inside the nose cone. This screen was mounted on pivots and fitted with sensors that measured any angular movement. One to three pigeons, trained by operant conditioning to recognize the target, were stationed in front of the screen; when they saw the target, they would peck at the screen with their beaks. They were trained by being shown an image of the target and each time the pigeons pecked the image some seed would be dispensed. [2] As long as the target remained in the center of the screen, the screen would not move, but if the bomb began to go off track, the image would move towards the edge of the screen. The pigeons would follow the image, pecking at it, which would move the screen on its pivots. In the case where two possible targets were on the screen, Skinner noted that at least two of the birds would be in agreement and the third would be “punished for his minority opinion” to encourage it to steer towards the target preferred by the majority of the pigeons.[3]

    The sensors would detect the movement and send signals to the control surfaces, which would steer the bomb in the direction the screen had moved. As the bomb swung back towards the target, the pigeons would again follow the image, bringing the screen back to the centered position again. In that way, the pigeons would correct any deviations in the course and keep the bomb on its glide path.”

    Those pigeon’s sacrifices will not be forgotten!

  9. @loubana. To your question of “why do pigeons eat anything?”
    It’s not because of loyalty or intelligence. Pigeons that we brought to North America were primarily used as a food source. Its not out of loyalty, they are domesticated so they became dependent on people and living around people to survive. Yes, homing pigeons were used but the vast majority of pigeons were bred and raised for food. Rearing pigeons and slaughtering squab (juvenile pigeons) for cooking is a tradition that is as old as human civilization.

  10. Pigeons make shit nests because all the wild has been domesticated out of them. They were our message carriers. What we’re left with is the animal variant of a thrown-away cell phone.

  11. It’s not that they are lazy it’s that they have been domesticated and so no longer have the proper instincts for next making. A sad outcome from human selfishness.

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